The Limited Times

The ephemeris of Thursday, June 30

6/29/2023, 5:27:30 AM

Highlights: Today we celebrate St. Peter and St. Paul. Died in Rome, the first around 64, the second around 67. On the weather side, cold and thunderstorms arrive today from the North. The sun rises one minute later at 05:52 and sets as the day before at 21:56. The saying of the day is:«Saints Peter and Paul rainy is for thirty dangerous days» (Saints Paul and Peter rainy for 30 dangerous days) The day's events include the birth of the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the November 13 attacks.

Today we celebrate St. Peter and St. Paul.

It is the 180th day of the year, and we are celebrating St. Peter and St. Paul. Died in Rome, the first around 64, the second around 67. Peter, a fisherman from the Sea of Galilee, left everything to follow Jesus, suffered martyrdom in Rome under Nero and was always considered the first pope. Paul, at first a slayer of Christians, converted and preached the new faith in the eastern part of the Roman Empire and was beheaded in Rome. On the weather side, cold and thunderstorms arrive today from the North. The sun rises one minute later at 05:52 and sets as the day before at 21:56.

Some 29 June

1900: birth of the writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (died July 31, 1944)

1912: creation of the criminal brigade

1921: birth of the writer Frédéric Dard, father of "San Antonio" (died June 6, 2000)

1949: Pierre Sabbagh presents the first television news

1958: Brazil with Pelé wins its first football World Cup in Sweden

1982: death of fashion designer Pierre Balmain

1986: Argentina wins the FIFA World Cup against West Germany

1992: in Algeria, assassination of Head of State Mohamed Boudiaf

2000: death of Italian actor Vittorio Gassman

2001: Bernard Pivot puts an end to a quarter century of literary programs, including "Apostrophes" on Antenne 2

2011: release of France 3 journalists Stéphane Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière, detained for 18 months in Afghanistan

2021: Parliament adopts the bioethics law and its flagship measure to open medically assisted procreation (MAP) to all women

2022: The trial of the November 13 attacks, the longest criminal hearing in post-war French judicial history, ends with the sentencing of nineteen of the twenty defendants to sentences ranging from two years to life imprisonment. Salah Abdeslam receives life imprisonment

Some birthdays

Jacques Toubon, politician born in 1941

Claude Evin, politician born in 1949

Anne-Sophie Mutter, German violinist born in 1963

The saying of the day

«Saints Peter and Paul rainy is for thirty dangerous days»

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