The Limited Times

Senior State Prosecutor's Office Against "Shut Up" Supporters of Bar Association Reform: "Since When Does Democracy Allow Only One Opinion?" | Israel Hayom

7/20/2023, 6:50:06 PM

Highlights: Northern District Attorney spoke out against Bar Association chief in unusual Facebook post. "As I feared, for Amit Bachar democracy is only to be photographed in Kaplan with the state flag," Lederer wrote. At today's chamber conference, two lawyers were ejected for calling against the chamber chairman's use against government legislation. For the first time, public criticism is being published, and even more so by the District Attorney's Office, against the "gagging" in the office of pro-reform lawyers.

Northern District Attorney spoke out against Bar Association chief in unusual Facebook post after two pro-reform lawyers were removed from a conference of the Bar • "As I feared, for Amit Bachar democracy is only to be photographed in Kaplan with the state flag," Lederer wrote

The Northern District Attorney in the State Attorney's Office, Attorney Eitan Lederer, published an unusual post today criticizing Bar Association Chairman Amit Bachar for "keeping mouths shut," as he put it, to supporters of the legal reform in the Chamber.

At today's chamber conference, two lawyers were ejected for calling against the chamber chairman's use against government legislation. Senior State Prosecutor Lederer protested, "Since when is democracy one vote?"

Eitan Lederer (Archive),

"As I feared, with Amit Behar, democracy is only to be photographed in Kaplan with the national flag," wrote District Attorney Lederer on his private Facebook account, "To the best of my recollection, in similar cases of interruption of ministerial speeches by protest activists, the ministers did not call the police. And the threat of complaints to the ethics committee? Is it real? I hope not, but if they do, then someone lost it." Lederer also protested, "And since when do you shut mouths to other opinions at a Bar Association conference? And since when does democracy allow only one opinion (the opinion of the chairman)? And all this with the funds of the Bar Association."

Lawyers vote in the elections for the head of the chamber || Moshe Ben Simhon

"Since the Chairman of the Bar Association Amit Bachar was elected to his position, and even earlier in March, when he was elected interim chairman, he has refrained from convening the Bar Association Council and making a decision regarding the Chamber's policy regarding legal reform," Lederer wrote, "as did his predecessor, Adv. Avi Himi, when both mobilized the Bar to protest against the government's legislation and the legal reform. In the Bar Association, there are opposition voices against Bachar for acting aggressively against the public of lawyers who oppose the reform. For the first time, public criticism is being published, and even more so by the District Attorney's Office, against the "gagging" in the office of pro-reform lawyers."

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