The Limited Times

Niger: questions about a coup attempt

7/26/2023, 10:31:57 AM

Highlights: Nigerian President Mohamed Bazoum still appeared free Wednesday morning. French military refused to characterize the situation. The French army is providing aid and support to Nigerien forces seeking to retain control of areas near the Malian and Burkinabe borders. Niger was the scene of a coup attempt in March 2021 two days before the President took power. The situation raises fears of an extension of the jihadist threat in the Sahel region of the West African country. The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, discussed the situation with the Minister of the Armed Forces.

The situation, still confused, is closely followed by the Elysee. Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum still appeared free Wednesday morning.

In Niamey (Niger)

The situation was confused Wednesday morning in Niamey. Access to the Presidential Palace was still impossible on Wednesday morning. It was worrying enough that the French authorities were alerted at the top of the state, according to information confirmed to Le Figaro. The rumour of a coup had spread in the Nigerien capital. On a trip to the Pacific region, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron closely followed the evolution of the situation with the Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu. The two men discussed it at length on the sidelines of the Council of Ministers. In an unstable and fragile Sahelian region, after the coups d'état in Mali and Bukina Faso in recent years, France is concerned about a destabilization of President Bazoum. Niger remains a privileged ally of the France which has an air base in Niamey.

On Wednesday morning, the French military refused to characterize the situation. The sources remained contradictory. For some, it would be more a mutiny and corporatist claims about the bonuses and careers of certain soldiers. Others spoke of an attempted coup. This movement would have led the presidential guard to want to arrest the Minister of the Interior. Negotiations are reportedly under way with the mutineers. The Nigerien president has reportedly regained control of the situation. The presidential guard has been led since 2011 by General Oumar Tchaini. Niger was the scene of a coup attempt in March 2021 two days before President Mohamed Bazoum took power.

Although Operation Barkhane ended last year, military cooperation between France and Niger continues. The French army is providing aid and support to Nigerien forces seeking to retain control of areas in the north of the country, near the Malian and Burkinabe borders. The deterioration of security in the region still raises fears of an extension of the jihadist threat.

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