The Limited Times

The bewilderment of the PP

7/27/2023, 10:33:23 AM

Highlights: The contradictions between Feijóo and other leaders of the PP on the pacts with the PSOE betray the blockade of the party. Yesterday Vox announced for its part that it would not block an investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijo. In line with the argument exhibited throughout the legislature to make opposition, Cuca Gamarra affirmed in the Congress of Deputies that the abstention of Junts would mean that "the capital of Spain would no longer be Madrid, but Waterloo"

The contradictions between Feijóo and other leaders of the PP on the pacts with the PSOE betray the blockade of the party

The PP tries to get out of the state of shock in which it confessed after verifying that the electoral results of 23-J denied the forecasts and left the party far from an absolute majority both alone and with Vox. The impact of the result then gave birth to a proposal from the popular leader to the PSOE for a State pact. It is difficult to understand the rapid transit of the winning candidate of the elections: from being willing to an agreement with the extreme right of Vox to end the Government of Pedro Sánchez to proposing to Pedro Sánchez himself an agreement to end his work of government. Yesterday Vox announced for its part that it would not block an investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo in case the PP found "five or six good socialists" that would facilitate the abstentions it needs to make it possible, which brings the current electoral hangover to comedy buffa.

Feijóo's proposal – without specificity in method or content – was followed, just 24 hours later, by the statements of other leaders of the PP, of his circle of trust, in contradictory directions. In line with the argument exhibited throughout the legislature to make opposition, the spokeswoman of the party, Cuca Gamarra, affirmed in the Congress of Deputies that the abstention of Junts to facilitate a possible investiture of Sánchez would mean that "the capital of Spain would no longer be Madrid, but Waterloo", in reference to the place where former president Carles Puigdemont is a fugitive from justice. De facto it meant the return to the usual staging of the PP on the fragility of the unity of Spain if Sánchez governs, just hours after the popular leader had formulated the claim to agree agreements with Sánchez himself. According to Feijóo, the objective of the offer was to prevent the separatists from "governing" in Spain, although they never figured in the coalition government, now in office, nor does it seem foreseeable that they are in a potential reissue.

The margin of maneuver of the PP to get an investiture of Feijóo is narrowing every day, largely due to the rupture of all political ties with most of the political forces that supported the outgoing government parliamentarily. The negotiation proposed by Feijóo to the PNV was aborted on Tuesday, before it even began, due to the refusal of conservative Basque nationalism to open any conversation about his investiture. It was the predictable response to the discourse of systematic confrontation with the Government and all its parliamentary partners, such as the PNV. Bearing in mind also that in the equation should be, by active or passive, the extreme right. The legitimate aspiration to an investiture as the most voted party has the limit of political credibility: considering that today the PSOE is the state party that supposedly was not three days ago is difficult to digest, in addition to ruining the complete argument battery of the PP during the four years of the legislature.

Nothing is impossible in politics, certainly, but this turn of script is a triple somersault. As she usually does, Esperanza Aguirre expressed it graphically when she affirms that it is difficult to sell the conservative electorate the repeal of "sanchismo" and at the same time the agreement with "sanchismo".

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