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Kish Certificate: The Minister of Education's Proof Time | Israel Hayom

8/29/2023, 9:11:28 PM

Highlights: Minister of Education Yoav Kisch promised to reduce gaps and increase budgets. He will activate the "Personal Plus" program for students identified with difficulties in core areas. The High Court of Justice overturned the Education Ministry's decision to shorten the school day in frameworks for children with autism throughout the country. But the shortage of manpower stemming from budgetary shortfalls is still severe, and the funds that were added to special education stem from the natural growth of this framework and not from additional funds brought in by the minister.

Upon assuming the position of Minister of Education, Yoav Kisch presented a series of measures to improve the system under his responsibility, reduce gaps and increase budgets • Eight months later, and just before the start of the school year, did he meet this? Israel Hayom presents: Promises versus reality

Scholastic gaps – there is not enough budget to reduce systemic gaps

Minister Kish promised to reduce gaps and claimed that this is one of the problematic things in the education system: "This is the main thing I deal with. We will promote a new program that will narrow the gaps and give every child an opportunity. We are going to invest resources in individual lessons and study in small groups in the afternoons and on Fridays, with an emphasis on language studies, English, mathematics."

The actual situation: In order to reduce gaps, budgets are needed, and especially more study hours for those with difficulties – for example, in order to hold private lessons or in small groups. All of these are needed to reinforce subjects such as English, math, language and remedial education, but principals and teachers say there are not enough resources to do so.

Will activate the program "Personal Plus". (Illustration), Photo: GETTY2

In the last state budget, the budget for special programs was actually reduced, and under it was also a section "complementary activities for promotion." Minister of Education Kish will implement the "Personal Plus" program for students identified with difficulties in core areas, which is intended for kindergartens, third grade and eighth grade. In addition, the virtual campus was relaunched, allowing independent learning as well as reinforcement classes according to the educator's decision. However, both programs are budgeted at only NIS 200 million.

Interview with Yoav Kish // Moshe Ben Simhon

The collapse of special education - staff shortage and conclusions only next year

The promise: Special education faces severe shortages of staff, paramedical caregivers, adapted frameworks and staff. Minister Kisch promised to allocate more than NIS 1 billion to this framework and legislative amendments to reform it, claimed that the field is close to his heart and promised the establishment of a committee on special education.

The actual situation: Last week, the High Court of Justice overturned the Education Ministry's decision to shorten the school day in frameworks for children with autism throughout the country. However, the shortage of manpower stemming from budgetary shortfalls (the Ministry of Education does not invest any more funds in special education) is still severe, and the funds that were added to special education stem from the natural growth of this framework and not from additional funds brought in by the minister. The minister established an advisory committee on special education, headed by Amos Shapira.

Severe shortage of manpower. (Illustration), photo: Liron Moldovan

According to the committee's spokesman, it will take several more months of work: "The committee is in the initial stages of work, during which it is studying the issue in depth. We estimate that the committee will reach the stage of presenting its conclusions during 2024." The minister's office said they are making maximum efforts to expedite the committee's work.

The shortage of teaching staff - an acute shortage of teachers and educators

The promise: The system suffers from a severe shortage of teachers, especially those trained in a specific field such as English and mathematics. Minister Kisch promised to integrate soldiers-teachers, shorten their training and increase their work to 100% so that they study longer hours: "Dozens of kindergartens are closed just because of a lack of manpower, it's a very difficult event."

The actual situation: According to data from the Ministry of Education, there is currently a shortage of about 1,000 kindergarten teachers, but the area reports a greater shortage. At the same time, the shortage of quality teachers is greater, since many teachers do not teach in their field of knowledge, while teachers who teach math or English have not been trained to do so. Meir Shimoni, Acting CEO, said: "There has always been a shortage of teaching staff, the difference this year is in intensity and scale that we have not known. Minister Kish did not present a new plan for recruiting teachers. Either way, there are still no soldiers-teachers, especially since they can't replace teachers who work for the Ministry of Education in elementary schools, where there is a big shortage."

"Minister Kish did not bring a new plan to recruit teachers." (Illustrative), Photo: Ami Shumen

The ministry also could not say how many teachers had been increased so they could teach more classes, thereby overcoming the shortage. The ministry noted that some 2,277 new teachers will start the school year, but data on teachers dropping out has not been provided for some time.

Violence in schools - NIS 55 million and thousands of hours of counseling for schools

Kish said at the press conference that there would be "zero tolerance for violence," adding: "We will not accept violence in the education system. If it comes from the teachers' side - including teacher suspension. Also regarding students and parents. The system went to an exaggerated place of containment, to try to correct cases that are wrong to fix. We will back the principals and keep students away. We will not tolerate violence in the education system."

The actual situation: Violence in the education system is rampant, many of the students do not feel safe coming to school. A significant change is being made in the tools of learning and therapy, but here it seems that there are no budgets or a sufficiently significant program, but rather the same program from previous years that failed to reduce violence.

"Zero tolerance for violence." (Illustrative), Photo: Ami Shumen

The Education Ministry claims to have published an outline for a new program called "From Violence to Leadership." It will include a move to promote Amana in cooperation with parents, programs to promote student leadership as gatekeepers and opinion leaders, and dedicated lessons on the subject. According to them, beginning in the coming school year (2024), "social cohesion" and "prevention of boycott" have been established as mandatory subjects for all students in the education system.

Teacher stabbed by student: scene of incident in Kiryat Bialik // MDA

The program was budgeted at NIS 55 million and it was reported that 5,000 hours would be allocated to increase counseling hours in schools, but this number of hours is unclear for how many schools will suffice. The education minister has a plan that focuses on punishment, which expands the powers of principals, teachers and supervisors vis-à-vis violent students in order to strengthen deterrence. Violent students can be suspended for a long period of time, even those who act violently towards teachers on social media.

The acute shortage of classrooms - a shortage of thousands of classrooms and a lack of construction monitoring

The promise: The education system is experiencing a shortage of thousands of classrooms, and the result is that students study in caravans, warehouses, old buildings, libraries, and so on. Minister Kish himself referred to the phenomenon when he said that "gaps are accumulating in educational buildings, all kinds of solutions are being found for mobile structures that are not good, such as putting a Band-Aid," and declared: "We must go to the process of significant construction of classrooms." He talked about strong municipalities building classrooms in exchange for a pledge that they would receive funds in the future.

Teachers' Union Chairman Against Government-Approved Budget: "We Are Degraded and Humiliated" // Teachers' Union

The actual situation: The education system lacks about 7,000 classrooms. The Education Ministry claimed that funds had been allocated for 3,000 classrooms, so that 4,000 classrooms were actually missing, but could not say how many were built and how many municipalities had committed to build in return for reimbursement. The budget did not allocate surplus funds to begin narrowing the gap. Thus, for example, if last year NIS 2.7 billion was allocated for the construction of classrooms for the construction of educational institutions, in the current budget the amount has increased slightly, but it also includes the construction of daycare centers.

A shortage of 7,000 classrooms. (Illustrative), Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The ministry said that "every request for the construction of an educational institution submitted by the local authorities is thoroughly examined, and to the extent recognized as necessary and with an approved architectural plan, is discussed by the budgeting committee."

Teacher status - teachers are protected and human capital is strengthened

Minister Yoav Kisch promised to strengthen the status of teachers, saying: "We support the establishment of students when the teacher enters the class. We'll leave it to the managers' discretion." At the same time, he also talked about a new pay agreement that would benefit high school teachers.

The actual situation: The status of teachers is at an unprecedented low. According to a study by the Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center, the status of teachers today ranks fifth out of six subjects examined: it is lower than that of a doctor, a high-tech man, a lawyer and a career military man. He is only higher than the status of a social worker. The bottom line is that so far the Ministry of Education has not presented any plan to raise the status of teachers – nor budgets for this.

Higher only than the status of a social worker. (Illustration), Photo: GETTY

For a long time, Education Minister Yoav Kisch refrained from taking part in negotiations with the teachers' union, and most of the time he clashed with Ran Erez, the organization's chairman. The Ministry of Education said: "The Ministry sees great importance in strengthening and advancing human capital, so that one of the Ministry's main goals for the coming years is to promote the status of teachers, while improving the sense of personal well-being of the education staff, and promoting excellence in teaching."

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