The Limited Times

Opinion | It's not a matter of right and left. Sure | Israel Hayom

9/26/2023, 3:10:50 AM

Highlights: In 2011, tens of thousands of young citizens took to the streets to demonstrate, in a move that would later be called the "social protest" The cost of living and impossible housing prices occupied everyone, from Tzahala to Itamar, from Ofer Kasif voters to Hadar Mukhtar voters. The leaders of the current protest are already at another stage, but: they do have violent militias that besiege synagogues and pride themselves on degrading Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayers.

Only Daphne Leaf, the only ideologue who refused political offers, disappeared from our lives like an '80s item in a Tuna song • The rest reaped temporary dividends

In 2011, tens of thousands of young citizens (and not only) took to the streets to demonstrate, in a move that would later be called the "social protest."

Although essentially Tel Avivian, it initially swept almost the entire country, including this writer. The cost of living and impossible housing prices occupied (and still occupies) everyone, from Tzahala to Itamar, from Ofer Kasif voters to Hadar Mukhtar voters, and for moments it seemed that a cross-sectoral protest had finally arisen in tribal Israel.

Things began to creak, of course, when the protest leaders, who made sure to speak for all the people of Israel, began to talk about settlers and Likud. Then the permanent process happened: despite enormous media support, public interest waned. The masses of right-wing voters who supported it left in disappointment to the cheers of the "We told you so" people on the right, who were once again right to mock them (and me) when we thought it was a joint demonstration.

The leaders of the current protest are already at a different stage, although they threaten, attack, shoot (so far in the air) and proudly say that if necessary there will also be bodies here - but it is important to listen to them: this is not a matter of right and left. All of a sudden

As expected, each and every one of the protest leaders turned out to be puppets in the exit deal of their lives at the time: Stav Shafir and Itzik Shmuli received a ticket to the Knesset, and turned – who would have believed – into electoral attacks; And Shir Nosetzky (who?) now runs a marginal NGO with a handsome salary, with a name that will exceed even the quota of words for this column. Only Daphne Leaf, the only ideologue who refused political offers, disappeared from our lives like an '80s item in a tuna song.

More than a decade later, she took to the streets to protest the legal reform. This time the string pullers came much more prepared, carefully choosing their dolls. Instead of trendy young Tel Avivians and advertising enthusiasts, this time obedient adults, professors and high-tech (Tel Avivians and advertising enthusiasts) were pulled out.

But then the basic mistake was made: it was declared that "this is not a demonstration of right and left!" Anyone who has ever held a protest sign is familiar with well-known rules such as "do not demonstrate violently", "do not block roads without permission", "it is advisable to bring deodorant", etc. In Israel there is another, unique and almost empirical rule. As soon as the sentence "This is not a demonstration of right and left!" is said, it is a demonstration of the left.

There is no shame in left-wing demonstrations. Vice versa. Personally, I usually have a lot of respect for people from every camp who get up and go out to demonstrate, instead of mocking in front of the keyboard. The shame is in trying to hide it. On this call, the organizers revealed the cards too soon. Thus, with the exception of Matan Kahane and other regular opportunists without voters, the right and the knitted in particular – those who fall robbed of a few false calls – quickly realized that they were not wanted. The 2011 protests ended with a silent puff, and without a majority of the public, despite the impressive Wikipedia article that remained of it.

The leaders of the current protest are already at another stage, but: they do have violent militias that besiege synagogues and pride themselves on degrading Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayers; Indeed, they blame the world's ills on the settlers and the ultra-Orthodox and the Ecclesiastes and the Likud and anyone who does not toe the line with the beauty of the balloon; Although they threaten, attack, shoot (so far in the air) and proudly say that if necessary there will also be bodies here - but it is important to listen to them: this is not a matter of right and left. All of a sudden.

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