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Opinion | About regret and tax benefit | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Opinion | About regret and tax benefit | Israel Hayom. Do the members of the coalition who took issue with the Supreme Court justices, the protest leaders, the fighters and the pilots retract them? And why is a donation to Amiram Ben Uliel tax deductible? At the end of the Yom Kippur fast, I usually bless my family that may we fast together on YomKippur next year as well. Every year is a problem. May it May it.

Do the members of the coalition who took issue with the Supreme Court justices, the protest leaders, the fighters and the pilots retract them? And why is a donation to Amiram Ben Uliel tax deductible?

At the end of the Yom Kippur fast, I usually bless my family that may we fast together on Yom Kippur next year as well. Every year is a problem. May it.

The Yom Kippur prayers, and the ten days of repentance that precede it, are intended to cause a person to reflect on his actions, to do soul-searching and to express repentance. It can be assumed that most of the coalition members fasted on Yom Kippur and made sure to go to synagogue, beat them on the chest and said: We sinned, we sinned. In the process, did the thought cross the minds of some of them that they must repent and repent, and ask forgiveness from the people?

For Yom Kippur does atone for the transgressions between a person and his Creator, but for transgressions between a person and his friend, the Sages said: "Yom Kippur does not atone until he pleases (and appeases) his friend."

Does Justice Minister Yariv Levin, who ten months ago brought down his legal reform on us, understand that the harm outweighs the benefit and that the civil protest that has continued ever since was registered in his name? Did he express remorse for a moment, even among himself?

Is Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana retracting the threat he threw at the High Court of Justice that the Knesset will not accept its rulings submissively?

Did Minister Dudi Amsalem torture his soul and regret the words that came out of his mouth – which need not be repeated, so as not to stain the page? Did he reflect for a moment on his actions and promise himself that in 2024 he would think before speaking?

And those coalition members who taunted the Supreme Court justices, the protest leaders, the fighters and the pilots and called them ugly nicknames – are they backtracking? Have they even pondered the slime that has come out of their mouths over the past year? Have they held themselves accountable for what they have contributed to the reconciliation and calming of the situation in the country, even in the face of inappropriate statements from the other side?

First and foremost, can Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu look us in the eye and say: "In the past year, I thought only about you, and not about myself. I was thinking about your good and not mine. I appointed Ben-Gvir as a senior government minister and cabinet member because I really think he is best suited for the job. I established an extreme right-wing government because I am convinced that it is the best thing for the State of Israel at this time. And I didn't act to mend the rifts, because we will come out stronger from the rift?"

An NGO supports a heinous murderer and conducts a mass fundraiser, and those who donate, including several Knesset members and ministers, are entitled to a tax benefit. Say, have we gone completely crazy?

And all of them together I will ask: Where are you, 63 coalition members, from Netanyahu down, except Minister Moshe Arbel, who immediately condemned, to condemn the words of MK Limor Sun Har Melech, for whom the despicable murderer of the Dawabsheh family is an innocent righteous? Shame and shame. Especially those who also contributed to the mass mobilization for the murderer.

And in our crazy country, this is accompanied by an incomprehensible delusion - it turns out that everyone who donated to the mass mobilization is "putting an end to the plot - Mateh Amiram", who has so far collected almost 2 million shekels, his donation is tax deductible under section 46 of the law, according to the crowdfunding page.

An NGO supports a heinous murderer and conducts a mass fundraiser, and those who donate, including several Knesset members and ministers, are entitled to a tax benefit. Say, have we gone completely crazy?

And in the prayer supplement of the High Holy Days they cry out in a loud voice - repentance and prayer and righteousness convey the evil of the decree. In this case, prayer or charity for the benefit of a murderer - there is no forgiveness and no atonement.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-26

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