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The game must change: zero tolerance for the bullies who drag Israel into the abyss | Israel Hayom

9/28/2023, 8:49:58 PM

Highlights: The game must change: zero tolerance for the bullies who drag Israel into the abyss, writes Israel Hayom. Pluralism requires respect for those who want to pray in segregation, says Avi Cohen. The time has come for the tolerant majority to alienate those who try to impose their perception by force, he says. Cohen: The city that purports to be the most tolerant and open, the most liberal of all, should have nonchalantly absorbed this hue as well. If there is one thing that must be sanctified, it is mutual tolerance, says Cohen.

Pluralism requires respect for those who want to pray in segregation, just as for those who initiate gay pride parades – so does most of a diverse and inclusive society • The time has come for the tolerant majority to alienate those who try to impose their perception by force

Perhaps there is something positive about what happened on Yom Kippur in Dizengoff Square. Perhaps most Israeli Jews will finally understand where they are being dragged against their will and well-being. They will internalize and begin to show zero tolerance for those who drag Israeli tolerance into the abyss.

Closing prayer at Dinzgoff Square to the voice of the protesters // Avi Cohen

Zero tolerance for the fascist thugs who blow up Yom Kippur prayers in the first Hebrew city, zero tolerance for those who deny the foundations of the state, like Israel Eichler, while serving as members of the Israeli Knesset. Because inner tolerance is inherent in our essence, despite the brief initial fuse of quite a few. It connects the vast majority of partners in the unique human enterprise called the State of Israel.

The protest activists who issued a meandering statement are not free of blame. Because what happened in Dizengoff derives from the doctrine preached by Ehud Barak, the promoter of civil war. And this also connects to the attacks on the Kohelet Forum

Tolerance enables the revolutionary phenomenon of the return to Zion and the modern revival of Zion. In its framework, such different people came and live here, with diverse views, mentalities and customs, who together put together a joint creation, fine and excellent, for a common goal.

Kol Nidre Cooperative

I spent all my vows this year in an egalitarian prayer that took place in Ein Kerem in Jerusalem. Egalitarian because men and women prayed together, without the slightest barriers, and as a public dispatcher was a charismatic young woman. The text was what is called Conservative, the spirit - embracing, uplifting and bringing Judaism closer.

Last Yom Kippur, on the other hand, I prayed in the synagogue on Givat Harsina, in Kiryat Arba. Its customs are traditional, including what has recently been called gender segregation, but the spirit is no less tolerant and embracing. Years ago, my eldest daughter ascended to the Torah in an Orthodox synagogue in the Holy City, where there is a separation in the middle between men and women, but women also serve as public emissaries and ascend to the Torah. My third daughter ascended to the Torah in our home, under the guidance and leadership of a knowledgeable and welcoming Reform rabbi. He, too, provided us with an embracing and uplifting Jewish experience.

Removing the partition in Dizengoff, photo: Gideon Markowitz

These streams are the stones that make up the magnificent mosaic of Israeli Jewry. And yes, even Jews who do not come to synagogue on Yom Kippur but feel part of us have an important part in the common whole. There is beauty and justification for each ingredient, there is power in the fact that they contain and allow everyone to live and pray in their own way. This, by the way, is also a fundamental and constitutive component of the democratic and liberal spirit. Together, this company has managed to go very far, until today.

Israel Zeira and his "Jewish head" certainly have an agenda and a mission. There is no sensational revelation that they want to bring more Judaism in their own version, the classic national religious version, to the city of Tel Aviv. And yes, Jews used to pray all these years in segregation, with a clear male dominance. Those who like it - will join; Those who dislike will try to change or keep their distance. The city that purports to be the most tolerant and open, the most liberal of all, should have nonchalantly absorbed this hue as well. The advantage of democracy and tolerance is that those who think differently can try to get closer to their path using the same methods.

Handsome requires

If the prayers of a Jewish head are like sticking a finger in the eye of a secular Tel Avivian, this is even more true of the initiators of the gay pride parade in Jerusalem. And whoever demands tolerance from those who are maddened by the parades should begin to breathe deeply himself. Democracy and pluralism require respect for those who want to pray and even hold a musical performance in segregation, just as for those who want to perform transgender performances on the streets of the Holy City.

If there is one thing that must be sanctified, it is mutual tolerance. The line of tolerance ends only where one tries to take over public services and resources, or to impose a way of life and dress, on public transport or on city streets. Those who try to dictate to others must be stopped determinedly, not those who try to persuade and get closer to their path.

Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

And here there is a stark similarity between those who try to dictate to women to sit in the back of the bus and those who are unable to pray outside their own way. Not to be confused, those who bullied the prayers in Dizengoff Square did not operate in a vacuum. This line of action characterizes a dominant current in the protest leadership. Not most of those who come to the demonstrations, but many of those who lead them.

Even the protest activists who issued a convoluted statement, intended to minimize the serious damage they understood had been caused to them, are not free of blame. Because what the fascists did from Dizengoff derives from the doctrine preached by Ehud Barak, the promoter of civil war. This connects to the violent attacks on the Kohelet Forum and many actions in protest.

There is a frightening closeness between the dynamics in Dizengoff Square, operated by Kaplan's elite troops, and the blackshirt methods of the fascist movement in Italy, alongside the terror of Robespierre and the leaders of the French Revolution. The oppression of the other side is done in the name of noble principles - liberty, equality and fraternity.

It is no coincidence that alongside the false headline "democracy," the protest leaders use the fist symbol of the American Muslim Brotherhood and other international promoters of violence. In this spirit, protest leader Shekma Bressler also calls not to take into account the voices of Likud voters and partners. Because freedom of expression and worship is in their way alone, observance of the law - only as long as it serves them.

Shikma Bressler in Kaplan, tonight, photo: Gideon Markowitz

I wonder what the bombers from Dizengoff Square who claimed to be enforcing the court's ruling will say when angry citizens blow up those blocking Ayalon or forcibly throw the Zambora thugs on the train. After all, the law must be upheld. I wonder how they will betrayed the Supreme Court when it doesn't rule their way and starts to be truly diverse and pluralistic.


It is impossible to exhaust this discussion without saying a sentence about the border crossers on the other side. Because Israeli tolerance cannot tolerate even those who are not willing to take any part in the national burden, those who want rights without obligations. Those who do not serve, neither in the army nor in national service, do not take part in the work but demand rights, support and tolerance towards them.

Countless excuses have already been made, and nothing has changed in the wave of murders in Arab society. There is no sane government that can digest the continuation of the rampage. No judicial system can stand idly by

In general, the pluralistic and inclusive Israeli public has been hijacked by extremists who are leading it to oblivion. On the one hand, those who lead protests in the name of democracy, but push for dictatorship thoughts in their own style; On the other hand, exploitative separatists who grow stronger on the basis of our inconveniences, but refuse to take part in the burden on our shoulders. It's time for both sides to start showing zero tolerance.

Endless words have already been spoken and written, endless cries have been shouted, countless excuses and accusations have already been thrown - and still nothing has changed. We are in a state of emergency, and there is no sane government that can digest the continued rampage and murder in Arab society and in general. There is no legal system – legal counsel, prosecutors and judges – that can stand idly by. The rules of the game must change immediately. Changing the law, enforcement, the rules of evidence, punishment - everything in order to break the joint of murder and lawlessness. Of course, if we desire life.

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