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Ben-Gvir in Sderot: "Right, left, religious and secular, mobilized to put an end to the human scum of Hamas" | Israel Hayom

10/12/2023, 4:17:49 PM

Highlights: Ben-Gvir in Sderot: "Right, left, religious and secular, mobilized to put an end to the human scum of Hamas" "Without you the enemy would reach Tel Aviv and continue to judge our elders, our women and children," he says. "All the prosperity in the city, which will return here, God willing, will be blessed, in the shadow of your heroism, my brothers of heroes of glory" "I am proud to be the minister in charge of the police at this time. What heroes and what dedicated warriors we have," he adds.

Ben-Gvir at the launch of a new police station in Sderot: " The policeman who fought first at the scene: "On Black Saturday I discovered some brave Sderot police officers, one family"

One of the fiercest battles known to the security forces since the outbreak of the Iron Sword War took place at the Sderot police station, which was attacked by Hamas terrorists. A battle that ended with the general destruction of the police station building by military forces.

Ben-Gvir at the inauguration of the new Sderot station: "Expects victory and immediate crushing"// Photo: Shmuel Buchris

Today (Thursday), after the heroic battle in which many policemen who fiercely defended the city and stopped the terrorists from ascending north from Sderot, the police station was reopened in a temporary building, in the presence of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai and Southern Police Department Amir Cohen, who also spoke.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir spoke about the heroism of the fighting policemen. "Here and in the Gaza envelope, another chapter of pain and exemplary has been recorded. In the midst of all the great darkness, darkness and bereavement, Israel Police officers, Border Police and Special Patrol Unit soldiers, and civilians who stood on the front line against human scum stood out. Your exemplary deeds and those of your fellow policemen rise even beyond the cries of devastation over their passing, the breath of an entire country caught in the hours of heroic battle as you defended your home with your body."

Soldiers watch the ruins of the Sderot police station, photo: Reuters

Fighters near the destroyed police station in Sderot. "There were people I grew up with," Photo: Yossi Zeliger

Security forces in Sderot during an iron sword war, photo: AP

In his remarks, the minister also referred to the reconstruction of the city after the end of the war and the great importance of the containment battle waged by the police. "The connection between Sderot police officers and the residents is always strong – the circumstances of life here created this – in the face of the challenges, now the connection is even stronger. This relationship was written in the blood of an entire shift of police officers and commanders who fought."

"Without you, the enemy would have reached Tel Aviv"

"All the prosperity in the city, which will return here, God willing, will be blessed, will be in the shadow of your heroism, my brothers of heroes of glory. To the policemen here I will only say, while you mourn your heroic brothers, know that you are not only the defenders of the city, you are also its innovators and wavers of the flag of revival. You are the flag of the eternity of Israel, without you the enemy would reach Tel Aviv and continue to judge our elders, our women and children. I am proud to be the minister in charge of the police at this time. What heroes and what dedicated warriors we have."

Regarding the reconstruction of the station, he said: "We are rebuilding the station, but the mayor is right, soon after the war a permanent building will be built and we will recruit those who need it, and with God's help we will win and come out even stronger."

"We announced at the beginning of the war that Hamas and Jihad would pay the price for the terrible acts. The entire State of Israel, right, left, religious and secular, are mobilized to put an end to these human scum, to the successors of ISIS.

"This state was established after the Holocaust in order to be the defender of this people by saying 'never again' - we must topple Hamas, we must crush it from the leadership, from the officers, to the last of the activists, they have no right to exist, they are all dead.

"I am returning now from an arms dispute in the north of the country. This decision saves lives, and I thank the police commissioner who took part in it. From the beginning of my term as minister, my policy was to distribute as many weapons as possible. Experience proves that weapons in the hands of civilians save lives."

Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi said: "The battle for the police station and the fact that the terrorists arrived there and the policemen fought there - in my estimation it saved the lives of many of the city's residents. I want to thank the policemen, the policemen, the officers. To the city's residents, alert squads and rescue forces. Sderot was eulogized many times, they said we wouldn't succeed. Hamas and Jihad must be destroyed, but I am sure that the citizens of Israel and the leadership will know how to find all the forces to flourish the region. As far as I'm concerned, this is a temporary stop, we want the station to return to Sderot's city center. The State of Israel will win, and then we will make sure to rehabilitate so that this region will double itself."

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai: "The security forces are imbued with the goal of restoring security to the residents of the state. We are a nation of eternity - and a nation of eternity is not afraid of a long road. We will eliminate our enemies. The security forces protect the citizens of the State of Israel with their bodies, 47 of them were allowed to be published. The heroic stories of the policemen will be recorded in the history of the State of Israel. We continue with all our might. With the beginning of the fighting, the Sderot station became a battlefield - the exchange of fire lasted for hours. The police officers fought valiantly for their lives and the lives of Israeli citizens. When I saw the results of the destruction at the Sderot station and knew that the station had to be built as soon as possible. A police station is a symbol of power, a symbol of sovereignty - a symbol of power and revival. Our forces are fighting against a despicable enemy."

The policeman who fought first at the scene: "At the end of the night shift, the first volley began, after a few minutes we received a call that terrorists had infiltrated our country, within a few minutes we heard terrorists outside the station. We fought with all our might against the missiles, grenades and gunfire with the meager means at our disposal. The most important message is that on Black Saturday I discovered some brave Sderot police officers, one family."

Dvir Hrubes, commander of the Sderot station: "On Saturday, a missile attack and the infiltration of terrorists began, the wrongdoers began a massive attack on the station. The policemen responded boldly, bravely, and all in order to guard the house. The policemen protected each other with their bodies and fought until the last minute. The task is not simple, my police officers, I see your resilience, do what is required without complaint. The establishment of the station is a message that we are here and we will not give up. The people of Israel are alive and well."

Southern District Commander Amir Cohen: "I come from visiting the wounded. Everyone has one request - beat them and we intend to beat them anywhere, anytime. Israeli society is going through difficult hours, and so are we. We don't break. Let there be no doubt about our enemies – Israel will win. The Sderot station will once again be one of the best. We get up, charge and win. Eight Sderot police officers killed at the beginning of the battle are a symbol - you policemen are heroes of glory. Without you, many civilians would have been murdered. I am proud of you - the people of Israel are proud of you. We are in a state of war and we have a difficult time ahead of us."

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