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Day 12 of fighting: Biden will land in Israel this morning; Jordan's quadrilateral summit was canceled; Anti-tank missile fired from Lebanon at IDF force tonight | Israel Hayom

10/18/2023, 1:15:21 AM

Highlights: Day 12 of fighting: Biden will land in Israel this morning; Jordan's quadrilateral summit was canceled; Anti-tank missile fired from Lebanon at IDF force tonight. Iran's foreign minister blamed Israel on Twitter tonight, arguing that the world should unite against it. Iran continues to incite, accusing Israel of attacking the hospital in Gaza, which was bombed by failed Islamic Jihad fire. Fighting continues in Gaza. The firing from the northern front continues, the bombings in Gaza intensify, and Biden lands in Israel.

After aiding and standing by Israel, the American president is expected to land in Israel around 10:00 a.m. Iran continues to incite, accusing Israel of attacking the hospital in Gaza, which was bombed by failed Islamic Jihad fire • Fighting continues in Gaza

The firing from the northern front continues, the bombings in Gaza intensify, and Biden lands in Israel: The IDF continues to attack the Gaza Strip with force, with an anti-tank missile fired at an IDF force on the Lebanese border tonight (between Tuesday and Wednesday). President Biden is expected to land in Israel at around 10 a.m., which will include meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior officials.

Regular updates

3:05 A.M.: Lebanon border: An anti-tank missile is fired at an IDF force that responds with artillery fire.

IDF attacks in Lebanon: Planes bombed Hezbollah targets \\ Photo: IDF Spokesperson

2:32 a.m.: After the failed dispatch to a Gaza hospital by Islamic Jihad, which is funded by Tehran, Iran's foreign minister blamed Israel on Twitter tonight, arguing that the world should unite against it. "Time is up," he wrote.

02:20: Palestinian reports: Bombing of Gaza continues.

00:50: President Biden took off for Israel.

BREAKING: Joe Biden arrives at Joint Base Andrews ahead of planned flight to Tel Aviv.

Jordan has cancelled the summit it was due to hold with Biden and Egyptian and Palestinian leaders in Amman tomorrow.

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— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 17, 2023

00:35: Definitively - IDF: "The explosion in the Gaza hospital - as a result of a failed Islamic Jihad launch."

From the Israeli side: Islamic Jihad's failed documentation that caused the explosion in Gaza hospital

00:30: President Biden will not arrive in Jordan tomorrow: The country's quadrennial summit has been canceled, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry announced.

00:15: Hezbollah issued a statement condemning Israel for the explosion at the Gaza hospital. "The peoples of the nation must act immediately and take to the streets to express their outrage, and to pressure governments and countries, everywhere."

Participated in the preparation of this article: Lilach Shoval, Ilya Yegorov, Avi Cohen, Hanan Greenwood, Itzik Saban, Avi Cohen, Dana Ben Shimon, Shahar Kleiman, Dor Malul | USA, Yaron Doron, Yuri Yalon, Meital Yassour Beit Or, Efrat Forsher, Assaf Golan, Yehuda Schlesinger, Ariel Kahane, Neta Bar and Michel Mechel.

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