The Limited Times

The Hero Who Saved Kissufim Base | Israel Hayom

10/19/2023, 6:57:00 AM

Highlights: The Hero Who Saved Kissufim Base | Israel Hayom. Staff Sgt. Adi Tzur, 20, from Jerusalem, a soldier in the Golani Brigade, went on a routine patrol that Saturday along the Gaza line. They encountered the terrorist squads and received the first blow of fire. Thanks to the battle, the lives of most of Adi's comrades at the base were saved. Even when he fell, Adi was a fighter with all his limbs, fought until the last moment and fell like a hero.

Staff Sgt. Adi Tzur, 20, from Jerusalem, a soldier in the Golani Brigade, went on a routine patrol that Saturday along the Gaza line, near the community of Kissufim, together with his team • They encountered the terrorist squads and received the first blow of fire • Adi and the team went towards them and started a shootout that delayed them and allowed the forces at the base to prepare for the infiltration of the terrorists • Thanks to the battle, the lives of most of Adi's comrades at the base were saved, and of a large part of the residents of Kibbutz Kissufim

Early Saturday morning, October 7, Adi went on a routine patrol along the Gaza line, near the community of Kissufim, together with the father of the MK, Itamar - another fighter in the force, Michael the sergeant and Sagi the driver.

After the massacre and fierce battles: Israel Hayom commentator Yoav Limor on a tour of the communities near the Gaza Strip

At 06:30 A.M., a heavy barrage of missiles began toward the envelope, and in order to defend themselves, the fighters got out of the jeep and went to sit behind concrete at a nearby bus stop. In the process, a report was received about four terrorist squads approaching them and planning to break into Kibbutz Kissufim.

In a moment's decision and without thinking twice, all his might decided to simply move towards them, understanding that this was a war for home, a war for the lives of the residents of Kibbutz Kissufim.

Fought until the last moment and fell as a hero. Adi Tzur z"l, photo: courtesy of the family

During the ride, they encountered the terrorist squads and received their first blow of fire, while everyone was still inside the Humvee. Adi, who was sitting next to the door at the back, got down first and started a shootout, immediately followed by Michael the sergeant. The commander's father and Itamar, the other fighter, who were sitting next to Adi in the back, got up to leave, but were hit inside the Humvee. My father received a bullet in the head, and Itamar received a bullet in his hand and shoulder. During the fighting from inside the vehicle, Sagi the driver received a bullet in his hand.

Against all odds, Adi and Michael managed to delay the group of terrorists until the jeep reached the base and prepared all its men for the approaching fighting. The fact that Adi and Michael are engaged in a fierce battle with the terrorists allowed the forces at the base to jump everyone and prepare for the infiltration of the terrorists.
Thanks to this, Kissufim base is the only one among the fence bases that the terrorists have not managed to take over.

Adi was killed in the battle for Kibbutz Kissufim. Thanks to the battle, the lives of most of Adi's comrades at the base, and of a large part of the residents of Kibbutz Kissufim, were saved. Even when he fell, Adi was a fighter with all his limbs, fought until the last moment and fell like a hero.

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