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Israel-Gaza War, Live | Israel and Hamas agree to extend truce for seven days

11/30/2023, 5:19:28 AM

Highlights: Israel and Hamas agreed on Thursday to extend the truce for a seventh day. The Israeli military said it had taken the decision "in light of the mediators' efforts to continue the process of releasing hostages" The announcement, made in extremis, comes after the release of 16 hostages – two of them Israeli nationals and four Thai nationals – who are already in the hands of the Red Cross. This group joins the two women with Russian nationality previously released during the afternoon. Hours later, the Israel Prison Service confirmed the release. of 30 Palestinians in the sixth such release under a truce agreement with Hamas.

Israeli army confirms release of 16 more hostages | Military kills two Palestinian minors in West Bank operation, Palestinian Authority says | Mediators intensify negotiations with Israel and Hamas to extend truce hours before its end

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Israel and Hamas agreed on Thursday to extend the truce for a seventh day. The Israeli military said it had taken the decision "in light of the mediators' efforts to continue the process of releasing hostages, and subject to the terms of the agreement." The announcement, made in extremis, comes after the release of 16 hostages – two of them Israeli nationals and four Thai nationals – who are already in the hands of the Red Cross on their way to Israeli territory as part of the pact reached between Israel and Hamas. This group joins the two women with Russian nationality previously released during the afternoon. The Israeli army has confirmed that both are already in Israeli territory, having left the Palestinian enclave through the Rafah crossing with the Red Cross. Hours later, the Israel Prison Service confirmed the release of 30 Palestinians in the sixth such release under a truce agreement with Hamas. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian National Authority has denounced that the Israeli army has killed two minors, aged 8 and 15, in an operation this morning in the Jenin refugee camp, in the occupied territory of the West Bank. Meanwhile, the end of the truce in Gaza is nearing, as the two sides rush negotiations as mediators and the international community push to extend the ceasefire.

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El País

Hamas confirms that the extension of the truce for at least one more day

The Palestinian militia Hamas has just confirmed that the truce agreed last week with Israel, which expired at 7:00 a.m. (6:00 a.m. in mainland Spain) is being extended for at least one more day. This confirms what was said shortly before, on the verge of the expiry of the ceasefire, by the Israeli army, which has stated that it is extending the extension to allow the mediators to continue their work for the release of more hostages. (Reuters)

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 06:05


Israel's military says truce with Hamas will continue

Israel's military said Thursday that the truce with Hamas would continue "in light of the mediators' efforts to continue the process of releasing hostages, and subject to the terms of the agreement."

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 05:59


Hamas Says Israel Rejected New Exchange

Hamas said early this morning that Israel rejected the proposal to release seven hostages and hand over the bodies of three other people who, according to members of the Palestinian organization, were killed during an Israeli bombardment. This measure, which would have had to take place after another release of Palestinian prisoners, was a precondition for a temporary extension of the truce that ends on Thursday morning.

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 05:30


Hamas asks its members to maintain their positions if the truce is not renewed

The armed wing of Hamas has transmitted to its members in the Gaza Strip early this morning that the organization is ready to resume fighting with Israel if an extension of the truce is not agreed. The Al-Qassam Brigades asked its troops to hold their positions "unless an official statement is issued confirming the extension of the truce," a statement said.

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 04:57


Blinken's latest attempt to extend the truce

The truce between Israel and Hamas ends Thursday morning. As time runs out for international attempts to extend the six-day pause in the conflict, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Tel Aviv early this morning. on his third trip to the region since the Oct. 7 attack. The top U.S. diplomat was keen to meet with Israeli leaders to discuss extending the temporary truce and increasing humanitarian aid to Gaza.

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 04:52

El País

Activist Ahed Tamimi is among Palestinian prisoners released by Israel

Ahed Tamimi, a prominent Palestinian activist, was among 30 prisoners released by Israel on Wednesday, the sixth day of a truce with Hamas.

The 22-year-old, who rose to prominence in 2017 after starring in a video of herself slapping an Israeli soldier, had been detained since November 6 in Damon prison near Haifa when she was charged with inciting violence and calling for terrorist activities.

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 02:51

El País

Israel Identifies Hostages Released from Hamas Captivity

The Israeli prime minister's office has published on its official X account, formerly Twitter, the ages and identities of some of the hostages who were released from Hamas captivity on Wednesday, on the sixth day of exchanges for the truce in Gaza.

The freed people, who are already back in Israel, are Gal Tarshansky, 13; Amit Shani, 15; Liam O, 18; Itay Regev Jerbi, 18; Ofir Engel, 17; Yarden Roman-Gat, 35; Morán Estela Yanai, 40; Liat Beinin Atzili, 49; Ra'aya Rotem, 54; Raz Ben-Ami, 56; Yelena Trupanov, 50; and Irena Tati, 73. They are joined by the four Thai citizens who were also part of the swap with the Palestinian Islamic militia.

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 02:13

El País

Israel Releases 30 Palestinian Women and Children After Hamas Releases 16 Hostages

Israel released 15 women and 15 children imprisoned in Israeli prisons after the Islamist group Hamas released 16 hostages held in Gaza just after midnight on Thursday, on the sixth day of the hostage-for-prisoner swap agreement in parallel with a temporary ceasefire.

The Israel Prison Service confirmed the release of 30 Palestinian prisoners who were released from Ofer prison, Jerusalem detention centre, Ayalon prison and Damon prison. "The Prison Service is concluding the sixth round of prisoners as part of the operation to return the abductees to their homes," a spokesperson for the agency said in a statement. (Image: EFE)

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 02:03

El País

Biden confirms release of second Israeli-American hostage

U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed Wednesday that Hamas has released a second Israeli-American hostage from Gaza, amid uncertainty over the extension of the truce in the Middle East.

Biden told reporters that Liat Beinin Atzili, 49, was among the last group of Hamas-held hostages to be released and that he was "safe in Egypt, just across the border." In brief remarks before leaving Pueblo, Colorado, the president said he spoke with Atzili's parents.

"They're very grateful and things are going well," Biden said of his conversation with Atzili's family. "She will soon be home with her three children."

White House officials believe seven or eight Americans remain in captivity. (AP)

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 00:54

El País

Guterres calls for investigation into allegations of sexual violence during Hamas attack

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said Wednesday that allegations of alleged sexual violence during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack must be "vigorously investigated and prosecuted."

In a message on his X account, formerly Twitter, the international representative said that his organization has several testimonies about the actions committed by members of the Palestinian Islamist militia during its offensive against Israeli civilians. "There are numerous accounts of sexual violence during the heinous acts of terrorism perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October that must be vigorously investigated and prosecuted. Gender-based violence must be condemned. At any time. Anywhere," he wrote.

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 00:37

El País

Palestine Aid Group Says 21 Trucks of Supplies Arrived in Northern Gaza

On Wednesday, 21 aid trucks were able to reach northern Gaza, which has been the focus of Israel's ground offensive, the Palestine Red Crescent aid group said.

During the six-day pause in fighting, the organization said 254 trucks of aid had been successfully distributed with food, including food, water, baby formula and blankets. The post on X, formerly Twitter, showed a video of trucks hauling palates of supplies and a forklift unloading boxes.

In the north, civilians have described residential areas that were flattened by attacks in and around Gaza City. (AP)

ACT.30 NOV 2023 - 00:27

El País

The Israel Defense Forces say 14 of the hostages are already in Egypt

Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari announced in a message on the social network X that the 14 hostages freed tonight are already in Egypt after crossing the Rafah border crossing in Red Cross vehicles.

"The abductees returning to Israel are on their way through Egyptian territory to the rendezvous point with our forces in Kerem Shalom. Representatives of the security system will verify the identity of the abductees at the meeting point," he confirms.

ACT.29 NOV 2023 - 23:12

El País

In total, 16 hostages were freed from Gaza on Wednesday

El ejército de Israel ha confirmado que son 16 los rehenes liberados este miércoles. Dos de ellas, las primeras en llegar a territorio israelí acompañadas por la Cruz Roja, de nacionalidad rusa. Otros cuatro son tailandeses. También hay dos menores.

ACT.29 NOV 2023 - 23:05

El País

El ejército israelí informa de que los 14 rehenes liberados por Hamás están de camino a Israel

The Israeli army has reported that, according to information received from the Red Cross, which facilitates the exchanges between Hamas hostages and Palestinian prisoners in Israel, 10 Israelis and four Thais handed over by the Palestinian militia are already on their way to Israeli territory.

ACT.29 NOV 2023 - 22:50

El País

Palestinian Red Crescent delivers 21 trucks of humanitarian aid to Gaza City

The Palestinian Red Crescent teams delivered 21 trucks with humanitarian aid and supplies to Gaza City and the surrounding areas in the northern Gaza Strip on Wednesday, according to a message on the social network X. "Since the truce began, they have successfully distributed 254 trucks of aid. providing essential items such as food, water, baby formula and blankets to thousands of people in need."

The organization recalls that the north of the enclave had not received any kind of humanitarian aid until the truce agreed between Israel and Hamas began.

ACT.29 NOV 2023 - 22:03

El País

Médecins Sans Frontières denounces the blockade of a hospital in Jenin during an Israeli military incursion

The NGO Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) on Wednesday denounced the blockade carried out by Israeli forces on the Khalil Suleiman hospital in the city of Jenin, in the West Bank, during yesterday's military incursion into the city's refugee camp, an operation in which, according to the Palestinian National Authority, two children have died. eight and 15 years old.

The MSF coordinator in the town, Luz Saavedra, said in an audio note provided by the NGO that, upon learning of the incursion, the Médecins Sans Frontières team went to the hospital, the largest in the area. According to Saavedra, Israeli troops put many obstacles in the way of the organization's vehicles, despite being correctly identified as providing humanitarian aid.

Once at the hospital, they were informed that the wounded could not reach because the Jenin area, both the West Bank town and the neighboring refugee camp, had been declared a closed military area and the access road was cut off. After the end of the raid, doctors at the hospital said they treated eight wounded people (including children), some of whom had been shot in the head.

ACT.29 NOV 2023 - 20:57

El País

A Palestinian man smokes in the ruins of the Khan Younis refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip. / MOHAMMED SALEM / REUTERS

What has happened in the last few hours?

This is the most relevant news of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza at 20:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 29:

The Israeli military reports that two hostages with Russian nationality are already in Israel. The Israeli military said Wednesday that two Israeli hostages are already in Israel, in addition to another 10 hostages who are expected to be freed from Gaza tonight. The two hostages, who have Russian nationality, have been released by Hamas after talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and, according to the Islamist organization, will be handed over directly to representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry. "His release is added to the list of hostages whose release is scheduled for today," Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said on his X account (formerly Twitter).

The U.S. is negotiating with Israel to extend the ceasefire in Gaza. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Tuesday in Brussels that on his next trip to Israel he will work with the government of that country to try to prolong the temporary ceasefire in Gaza in order to secure the release of more hostages held by Hamas. Two sources close to the Egyptian government say it could be extended for two more days. Israel believes Hamas is holding enough women and children hostage to allow the current pause in fighting in Gaza to be extended, under the terms in force, for another two or three days.

The UN Secretary-General calls for "an end to the occupation and blockade of Gaza" and progress on the two-state solution. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called for "an end to the occupation and blockade of Gaza" and progress towards the creation of two states, Israel and Palestine, in a statement on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The declaration, read at a commemorative event at the UN's European headquarters by the UN Director-General, Tatiana Valovaya, added that the United Nations "will never abandon its commitment to the Palestinian people" and stands in solidarity with "their aspirations to have their inalienable rights respected in order to build a future in peace, justice, peace, security and dignity for all."

The Israeli army kills two Palestinian minors in an operation in the West Bank. The Ministry of Health of the Palestinian National Authority has denounced that the Israeli army has killed other minors in an operation this morning in the Jenin refugee camp, in the occupied West Bank, where Palestinians are subject to Israel's military jurisdiction and Israeli settlers to civilian jurisdiction. The minors have been identified by the ministry as Adam Samer al-Ghoul, 8, and Basim Suleiman Abu al-Wafa, 15.

Hamas announces the death of three Israeli hostages, two children and their mother, by the bombings. The Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, has announced the death of three Israeli hostages of the Argentine-Israeli Bibas family. They are a 10-month-old baby, his older brother, who is four years old, and their mother. His death, according to the Islamist group's militia, was due to Israeli shelling. Relatives of the Bibas family have issued a statement claiming to be aware of the Islamist militia's statement, and calling on the Israeli army to investigate the information.

Five premature babies found dead in an evacuated Gaza hospital, Hamas claims. Five premature babies were found dead in a Gaza City hospital at the center of fighting ahead of a truce between Israel and Hamas that came into effect on Friday, the spokesman for Gaza's Hamas Health Ministry said Wednesday. Until the fighting stopped, hospitals in the largest city in the Palestinian territory were the target of constant Israeli attacks. Several of them had been evacuated on the orders of the Israeli army, according to doctors. Only three of the 25 hospitals operating in northern Gaza are operational despite the current humanitarian pause between Israel and Hamas, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Wednesday.

Netanyahu says Israel will return to war when the current hostage release ends. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that Israel will return to war when the current phase of hostage release in the Gaza Strip ends. "In the last few days, I've heard a question: Will Israel fight again? My answer is an unequivocal yes," the prime minister said. At the UN Security Council meeting, Israel has strongly opposed a permanent ceasefire.

ACT.29 NOV 2023 - 20:00

El País

A Red Cross vehicle transports hostages at the Rafah crossing. / IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA / REUTERS

The two freed hostages with Russian nationality are already in Israel, the army confirms

The Israeli military confirmed on Wednesday that the two freed hostages, a mother and daughter with dual Israeli-Russian citizenship, are already in Israel after being transferred to Egypt by the Red Cross.

"An elite IDF unit and a Shin Bet force are now accompanying the two abductees back to Israel," military spokesman Daniel Hagari said on his X account.

Once they undergo medical examinations, the women will be returned to their families, according to Hagari.

The freed women have been identified as Elena Trupanov, 50, and Irena Tatti, 73, their mother. Both have dual Israeli and Russian nationality and were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 at Kibbutz Nir Oz, according to local media.

ACT.29 NOV 2023 - 20:18

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