The Limited Times

Immigration law: what the French think

12/21/2023, 5:30:41 AM

Highlights: "I watched the news channels until 2 o'clock... 80% of the population was waiting for it" "The French don't need that and they would have preferred a sacred union on this subject" "I see the political recursion of certain parties such as the Socialist Party" "It's a good project. But is everything going to be implemented?" "I don't know what's going to happen. I don't think they're going to change anything." "I think it's good. It's good for the country"

Craftsmen, employees, shopkeepers, pensioners... We went to meet French people in Limoges, Arras, Toulouse and Nice to find out what the

"I watched the news channels until 2 o'clock... This project had to be voted on, 80% of the population was waiting for it. Like many of the people of Nice we met on Wednesday, Philippe, one of the 437 taxi drivers in the town, is "satisfied" with the vote on the immigration law. "It's a good project," he says. But is everything going to be implemented? ».

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The 50-year-old, a right-wing voter, finds the text fairly balanced, but the resulting political debate challenges him: "I see the political recuperation of certain parties such as the RN. The French don't need that and they would have preferred a sacred union on this subject! »

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