The Limited Times

Must Win Despite Mind Engineering | Israel Hayom

12/28/2023, 8:03:17 PM

Highlights: Israel must overcome the pressure from the outside and the weakness of the leadership from within. The engineering of consciousness that brought us to October 7 is with us again. The images of the fallen that pile up every day and the lack of trust in the leadership add to the real difficulties of the state of war. We have no choice but to go all the way. Just as the Allies defeated Nazi Germany – sharply and absolutely. The challenge of victory is certainly possible, but it requires breaking free of the chains we have placed on ourselves with our own hands.

In the war against Hamas, we have no choice but to go all the way • We must overcome the pressure from the outside and the weakness of the leadership from within, and break the joint of the terrorist organizations in Gaza

The engineering of consciousness that brought us to October 7 is with us again. Now they are trying to market to us a change in the plot of victory in the war, and are only looking for ways to market the bitter pill without bothering most of the public. From the small cabinet, reports are leaking about an imminent transition to the "third phase" of the war, which is code for stopping without us completing the mission to crush Hamas.

At the same time, test balloons are being leaked about Israeli-American initiatives for a hostage deal, which will include withdrawal from "certain territories" and cessation of hostilities when a "technocratic government" is established in Gaza. We are exposed to recommendations to adopt "components" of the Egyptian initiative, while commentators, reserve officers and politicians are dripping the potion of surrender according to which Hamas cannot really be eliminated, and in general, it is not necessary. The chants are so familiar and unkind, and they are all a cover for the weakness and weakness of the war cabinet and the elites, who brought about the disaster.

IDF fighters in activity to confiscate Hamas funds // Photo: IDF Spokesperson

The images of the fallen that pile up every day and the lack of trust in the leadership add to the sense of distress, which in turn adds to the real difficulties of the state of war. That's why we have to remind ourselves out loud – we have to win. Not a picture of victory, not a narrative, not a partial achievement that will allow the enemy to survive and recover. We have no choice but to go all the way. Just as the Allies defeated Nazi Germany – sharply and absolutely.

In order to get proportions to our situation, it is worth recalling what the state of the Yishuv in Israel was when the War of Independence began, at the end of 1947. 600,<> people versus millions, a severe shortage of weapons, ammunition and trained forces. Victory against five armies that threatened to throw us into the sea seemed like a wild imagination, but after more than a year of fighting, the bowl turned - we crushed the enemy and built a new reality.

A generation and a half later, from June 1982, I spent about a year and a half in Lebanon. As a young officer, I took part in changing the reality that fully achieved the goals of that war – we expelled Arafat and the PLO from Lebanon. Only later did we drop the big gains because of internal weakness that befell us, from then until October 7. Therefore, despite the difficulties, our challenge today is much simpler than that of <>. The challenge of victory is certainly possible, but it requires breaking free of the chains we have placed on ourselves with our own hands. To recalibrate consciousness, as has already happened to a large part of the public, but not necessarily to the War Cabinet and some consciousness-shapers. Victory requires repelling external pressures and shaping our destiny with our own hands, without blinking.

First of all, it is necessary to change the perception of the campaign in the south and promote the rapid breaking of the Hamas dismantle. It is necessary to strangle its forces from all directions, especially from the south - from the Rafah area, while critically taking control of the border line with Egypt - the so-called Philadelphi Route. A strip that we will rule forever, kilometers wide along the Egyptian border, is also the key to security in the future. And yes, it is imperative to cut off all the enemy's oxygen pipelines, and make sure that fuel and supplies do not reach his troops. And anyone who cares about the civilian population is welcome to start absorbing it in his territory. The time has come for us to promote the "Gaza Exodus 2024" as part of the Victory Project.

There is no doubt that these moves will cause protests in Washington, and perhaps even American sanctions, as in the First Lebanon War. The Egyptians will certainly threaten, and will continue to demonstrate the extent to which the agreement signed with them does not establish real peace. But we must not be deterred. As in the War of Independence, as in the First Lebanon, when we repelled pressure and threats, from Washington as well, we won.

Don't be under any illusions: the toll of the mistakes of the past 30 years will take time to correct. The process of cleansing Gaza of the ocean of terror that we made possible to create there will be long. But it is possible and necessary, if we intend to continue living here.

The same goes for the north of the country. What has been happening on the border with Lebanon since Black Sabbath is a dark stain on Zionist history. Even vis-à-vis Hezbollah, we have fallen into the trap of the false story we have told ourselves since the flight from Lebanon in 2000 led by Ehud Barak, and since the failed war led by Ehud Olmert in 2006. Mistakes and self-deception are paid for – as evidenced by the residents of Metula, Margaliot and Manara who were uprooted from their homes. Now it's time to make amends, and even there we have no choice but to win – strike at Hezbollah and fundamentally change reality.

Alternative leadership

The stuttering in leading the campaign to total victory stems from the weakness of the entire leadership, from Netanyahu to Gantz. But the good news is that we have an alternative leadership that breaks through furrows and paves the way. Leadership with tremendous power, that inspires, that sweeps many and that actually sets the tone for the public. Unfortunately, we are exposed to these leaders every day.

First of all, bereaved mothers and fathers. From Sarit Zussman to Iris Chaim, mothers of Ben and Yotam z"l; From Avi Termin, Shai's father, to Ruthie Greenglick, Shaul's mother who fell in Gaza. Again and again such new guides are discovered, who grew out of personal tragedy and distress. Their strength, their sharp message not to flinch and move on, illuminates the way for the entire nation. They set an example and strengthen society. In the absence of other sweeping leadership, we are renewing strength and getting a path from bereaved families.

Together with them, soldiers and commanders, who are at the heart of the danger and project their strength back to the home front, also lead and lead. Chilling wills that the fallen left in writing illustrate the wholeness and recognition they had bestowed upon them, and the message not to shy away from victory because of the heavy price. The same message comes from everyone interviewed from inside Gaza, regular soldiers and reservists alike. Everyone is urging us and the leadership - we are strong, just don't stop, we have to win.

These manifestations of spirit and leadership are what we have been missing for decades. It's a tremendous energy buried deep inside, like sizzling lava hidden deep in the earth that hasn't burst to the surface. And in the absence of its powerful presence, other voices took over, the sounds of small hour, of little foxes gnawing in the vineyards. Voices claiming that Zionism is dead, or that it has changed. And so we didn't appreciate ourselves enough, the wisdom of the people that is being revealed from end to end, the courage and wisdom of the current young generation - the generation of fighters.

And in the face of the silence of the people, we led us down a path of weakness, failing without political, military and cultural leadership with the inspiration and strength to lead. All the events of the past 30 years are the result of the same failure. The reason for the Oslo Accords, the disengagement, the Shalit deal and similar ones, the Qatari dollar concept, alongside the sanctification of the fence and defense instead of transferring the war to enemy territory. To cover this up, we invented convoluted theories and fake reality pictures.

The current alternative leadership is indeed illuminating the way, but it is not a substitute for national leadership, which must hopefully emerge from the darkness. But this leadership can prevent those who lead us from stumbling again, because now we must win.

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