The Limited Times

The masquerade is over

1/14/2020, 9:26:15 PM

Itamar Fleischmann

One positive thing can be attributed to the never-ending political shame that has paralyzed Israel over the past year: it rips masks and reveals truths hidden under the tight messages and robotic interviews of Knesset candidates. This week, with the connection in the left, such a deep truth has been revealed and revealed to anyone with little intellectual integrity, despite the partnership and solidarity hymns he makes - no more racist than the Israeli left in relation to Arab citizens of the state.
It's hard not to chuckle when you remember how in the past year, blue-white men, Meretz, and Labor have joined Arab citizens and given them a hug of solidarity as a right-wing antidote, which supposedly hates and upsets them. Under the New Testament, representatives of the Arab public and the left-wing camp, from Meir Lapid to Tamar Zandberg, stood together in demonstrations against national law. Ayman Odeh and Benny Gantz stood shoulder to shoulder in another anti-corruption rally, and all of them mourned the death of democracy day after day and celebrated the Arab-Jewish partnership that would occupy power from the fascists who had slandered it.
But robbery and break! In the moment of truth, the beautiful words and the Arabic-Hebrew novel disappear. The "mistress," as Ahmed Tibi called the way Blue and White views his party this week, was left stranded on the roadside, heartbroken. In the new Meretz and Labor hybrid party, they found no feasible and honorable place for Knesset Member Issawi Fridge, and in white blue they broke right and flee like a leper from any mention of coalition agreement with the Arabs with whom they flirted until a week ago.
It is to the credit of the Arab elected officials that they have played their part in the deal, and acted with impressive courage and political intelligence. Contrary to their view of the world, last September Ayman Odeh and his party members marched to the president's house, and with their disgusted Israeli flag, they recommended the chief of staff of the Prime Minister's Generals Party. Only as a lever on the right block as part of the failed attempts to dismantle, Ahmed mixed up the political plaster, and when he was done - the left-hander decided to throw it away - because living with Arabs was known to lower the value of the property.
On the left, we never seriously intended to cooperate with the Arab parties. Behind slogans about unity and partnership stands a towering and racist worldview, which sees minorities in Israeli society as a great many who should serve the enlightened worldview.
This is why the campaign promised by a secular unity government, the one that portrayed the ultra-Orthodox as parasites, has disappeared - and in its place the ultra-Orthodox parties are suddenly flattering. This is why knitwear is for a moment messianic and dangerous, but if suddenly a coalition can be closed with them, they are essentially state and considerate, and why not annex the valley.
The talk is high, the smiles wide and the promises amazing. But this week, and not for the first time, it has been proven that on the Israeli left they support the infiltrators provided they are distant, connect with the religious as they fold and fall in love with the Arabs when they are obedient.

For more views by Itamar Fleischmann

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