The Limited Times

Brunoy: a police officer referred after having wounded a young person by a shot of LBD

2/28/2020, 3:36:14 PM

This Friday, a police official was brought before the prosecution of Evry for the opening of a criminal investigation for violen

The investigation by the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) was rapid. Placed in police custody Thursday, a police officer was referred this Friday before the parquet floor of Evry for judicial information. He is suspected of having seriously injured a young man with a defensive bullet launcher (LBD) during the riots that took place on the night of Saturday to Sunday in the Hautes-Mardelles district of Brunoy.

In a press release published this Friday, the public prosecutor Caroline Nisand underlines that "the investigations, and in particular the exploitations of video recordings" contradict the declarations of the official. "This shot did not appear to comply with the rules of engagement for this weapon," she adds.

120 days of ITT

The prosecution requested his placement under judicial control with the ban on practicing his profession and holding a weapon.

On the evening of the events, the police intervened to end a squat in a building hall. But control degenerates ... In the rush, a group of young people abandons a hookah. Seeing that the object had been seized by the police, the group then attacked the police.

Four days after being injured, Adnane gave his version of the facts to the Parisian. "I did not speak to the police, made any gesture, had nothing in my hands ... I posed no danger. However, the doctors are formal, the young man will not recover the use of his eye. A minimum of 120 days of total incapacity for work was declared by the doctors of the medico-judicial consultation unit (UCMJ).

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