The Limited Times

Live ticker: Local election 2020 in Dachau - Löwl remains district administrator - without runoff election

3/16/2020, 12:22:27 AM

In the 2020 municipal election in the Dachau district, the district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council are elected. All important news, results and statements only here with us in the live ticker.

In the 2020 municipal election in the Dachau district, the district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council are elected. All important news, results and statements only here with us in the live ticker.

  • Many offices in the Dachau district will be filled as part of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria.
  • The mayors , the municipal councils and the district council are also newly elected. All results on election evening from the Dachau district can be found here.
  • Here you can read all news about the 2020 local elections on election Sunday (March 15) . In addition, only we offer our Dachau newsletter with all local and local election news from the Dachau region directly on Monday after the election and every Friday. Click here for registration.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results district elections +++

+++ Results of local council elections +++

+++ Update +++

10:27 p.m., Dachau: The district administrator for the Daschau district is certain: Stefan Löwl won 55.3 percent against his six opponents. Ms. Bettina is also pleased.


Victory! District Administrator Stefan Löwl and his wife Bettina are happy.

9:58 p.m., Bergkirchen: Robert Axnter (CSU) was elected mayor of the municipality of Bergkirchen with a dream result. 93.99 percent of the voters gave him their vote. There was no opposing candidate. The turnout in the 13 districts was 66 percent.


Post to the new mayor in Bergkirchen

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8:18 p.m., Petershausen: In Petershausen, the runoff vote is held. It's Marcel Fath (FW) against Günter Fuch (CSU) again.

8:16 pm, Karlsfeld : Stefan Kolbe reaches 54.3 percent and does not have to be in the runoff. Bernhard Goodwin (SPD) wins 24.1 percent, Birgit Piroué (Alliance for Karlsfeld) 21.6 percent.


Franz Obesser is happy with his wife Angela.


8:12 p.m., Indersdorf: Franz Obesser (CSU) prevails against his challenger Hubertus Schulz of the Greens with 84.36 percent. Obesser is "overwhelmed," as he says.

8:06 p.m., Dachau: Announcement of the district election results is delayed due to system problems. After 70 of 226 areas: Löwl 52.8 percent ahead of Liebl 16.8 and Böck 13.1

7.40 p.m., Weichs : Mayor Harald Mundl is re-elected with 94.45 percent.


Here is a radiant re-elected Mayor Harald Mundl (center) together with his wife Susanne and Vice Mayor Martin Hofmann (CSU).

© nef

7:25 pm, Pfaffenhofen : Helmut Zech wins 76.8 percent against Susanne Vedova.

7:22 p.m., Sulzemoos: Johannes Kneidl receives 85.4 percent.

7.20 p.m., Hebertshausen : Richard Reischl gets 89.74 percent.

7.10 p.m., Altomünster: Final result: Reiter wins with 50.8 percent, guys loses.

19:08, Haimhausen : Peter Felbermeier (CSU) wins with 63.4 percent.

7:04 pm, Dachau : In the Schranne at the SPD, the mood fluctuates between joy and disbelief. "Great," says Christa Keimerl, shaking her head.

7:03 p.m., Dachau : After counting the polling station in the district office, the following result: Löwl 128, Liebl 45, Böck 46, Wagner 17, Leiß 11, Westermeier 10, Stöwsand 3.

6:55 pm, Dachau : The Dachau CSU already recognizes their defeat. Local chairman Tobias Stephan: "That was a clear choice of personality".

6.43 p.m., District Office: Mayor candidate Markus Erhorn arrives and asks for schnapps. It is 2.59 percent.

6.42 p.m., Hebertshausen: Richard Reischl (CSU) is over 91 percent, here the votes of the postal voters are still missing.

6:26 p.m., Altomünster: Head to head races between Antoen Kerle (CSU) and Michael Reiter (FWG). At first guys was in front, then riders, now the other way around. Four districts are counted.

6:20 p.m., Dachau: The first results indicate a landslide victory for Florian Hartmann (SPD): 75 percent after 10 out of 60 voting districts.

6.09 p.m., Dachau: Six people in the large conference room. It has never been so quiet before elections in the district office.


A current picture from the large meeting room in the district office.

© zim

6:05 p.m., Dachau : In the Schranne, in the CSU office, in the district office, at the Zieglerbräu and at the TSV, the OB candidates gather with their supporters to wait for the first results.

5.20 p.m., Eisolzried: In the community center in Eisolzried, it was "rather slow" until 4:45 p.m., says the outgoing municipal councilor Erwin Gürster from Deutenhausen, who is no longer running after 18 years. Around 130 citizens cast their votes there shortly before the end. Gürster expects 50 percent of postal voters. The team claims to have counted the mayor and district administrator by 6:30 p.m. There are a total of 800 eligible citizens in this electoral district.


Election workers in Eisolzried: Erwin Gürster with his team of election workers from left: Doris Schönberger, Franziska Keil and Gisela Frimmer

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5.10 p.m .: Wiedenzhausen: In the gymnasium in the basement of the Wiedenzhausen nursery there is polling station No. 2 for the villages of Wiedenzhausen and Orthofen of the Sulzemoos community. There, the last electoral class hopes that several citizens will still be able to vote, because so far it has been rather quiet in contrast to the morning. The two towns together have a total of 1033 voters, of which 374 voters have chosen postal voting. Today, the voter turnout is rather moderate with 225 voters. Voters hope that a few more voters will appear in the last hour and a half to cast their votes.


Election workers in Wiedenzhausen: Wolfgang Huber (Acting Municipal Council for Wiedenzhausen), Petra Österle, Erwin Salvermoser and Kurt Burgmann

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5:03 p.m., Altomünster: Conclusion in Altomünster: In the school auditorium, the voting booths could always be filled so nicely one after the other, and in the opinion of the election workers, the number of voters was somewhat smaller, but still very satisfactory. In the short term, the polling station in the submarket had to be moved from senior citizens' homes to the youth center at the train station because of the corona virus. The place was very well visited and sometimes there were even queues in front of the cabins. Two quiet surprise guests could also be found there, because the Weigl family (carpenters) came with their two donkeys Max and Moritz in the carriage, who waited patiently until their rule had chosen.


The Weigl family (carpenters) came with their two donkeys Max and Moritz in the carriage, who waited patiently until their rule had chosen.

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5:01 pm, Sulzemoos: While the polling station is very quiet, the postal voting team under the direction of Richard Wohlmut is now active in the town hall cellar in Sulzemoos. 903 citizens from the entire community of Sulzemoos have applied for postal voting documents. Citizens are still coming in to hand in their postal voting documents. And this is how the process works: First, the helpers gradually open the ballot letters that have been received and check the ballot. If the ballot is not in order, the envelope with the ballot paper is sorted out. All other ballot envelopes are thrown into ballot boxes and opened from 6 p.m. and the votes are counted.


The postal voting team under the direction of Richard Wohlmut will be active in the town hall cellar in Sulzemoos

© cst

5 p.m., Dachau: Some readers were surprised that their ballot papers can also be filled in with pencils. But: of course everything is right. The city of Dachau asked to take the pencils home after the election.


Pens in the Dachau polling station

© got

4.45 p.m., Altomünster: The candidate for mayor of the Free Voting Community of Altomünster, Michael Reiter, is in quarantine. He attended an event last week that included a suspected case. Reiter then had himself tested. It is negative. however, he has been taking care of the house for a week and will follow the result at home on the community website.

3:40 pm, Hebertshausen: Nice anecdote when voting: election assistant Meli is happy about a young man, that is voters and says to him with an enchanting smile that he is the 200 “customer”. "Unfortunately, they won nothing". The young man also replied with a smile: "That's why I saw her". According to Hebertshausen Mayor Richard Reischl, the turnout in the community around 3 p.m. is around 70 percent, including postal voting. So there could be a turnout of around 75 percent.


Meli (right) and the other election workers in polling station I in Hebertshausen.

© khr

3.30 p.m., Weichs: Werner Kerzel, the election director of the municipality of Weichs, had a lot to do today. It was a question of replacing some election workers because of short-term illness. Now at 3 p.m. he was able to report to the Dachauer Nachrichten that the postal voting participation in the municipality of Weichs is 45 percent this year. The result of the mayoral election is expected around 6.30 p.m. The district council election should be counted by 7 p.m. and the municipal council election by 9 p.m. The district council election on Monday.


Electoral Director of the municipality of Weichs, Werner Kerzel

© nef

3:16 pm, Odelzhausen: 1,488 voters cast their votes in the Odelzhausen community by postal vote, which is almost 40 percent of all eligible voters. 3887 citizens may vote in the municipal council election and 3889 citizens in the district council election. There are seven polling stations: in Odelzhausen in the conference room in the town hall, in the two children's houses, in Sittenbach in the kindergarten and three polling stations.

2.34 p.m., Sulzemoos: So far, no excessively high turnout has emerged in polling station 1 Sulzemoos. There are a total of 851 voters in the Sulzemoos district, of which 327 have applied for absentee voting. So far, 185 of the remaining 524 voters have voted in Sulzemoos town hall. A total of 2,457 citizens were called to the ballot boxes in the municipality of Sulzemoos.

2:22 pm, Karlsfeld: "Zfix", the gentleman scolds softly but audibly in the voting booth next door. "I can't put together a Falk city map. And now this." The huge district ballot not only gets him boiling. A look at the other voters proves it: there are a lot of gymnastic contortions when folding. But then they all make it.


Voters in Sittenbach: Isabella Stock and Thomas Kugler can be seen.

© cla

2:05 pm, Sittenbach: The voters have to queue in the polling station in the kindergarten in Sittenbach. There are five voting booths there, most of which are occupied throughout. "There's a lot going on here," says election worker Isabella Stock. Actually, the helpers would have expected a lower participation because of the corona virus - especially since there was no church service and usually many Sittenbach voters cast their votes immediately after going to church. "But so far we haven't had a quiet minute," says Stock. "Even the first ballot box is already full for the district elections." Most citizens in Sittenbach also had their own pen.

1.30 p.m., Odelzhausen: In the municipality of Odelzhausen, many voters have opted for postal voting. So far there have been 1487 citizens. "But it may well be that there will be a few more and that there will also be voters from the retirement home," says Manuel Mayr from the municipality. The postal voting documents will be issued until 3 pm The background is the protection of particularly vulnerable seniors from the corona virus. That is why the pens are regularly disinfected in the polling stations. "We disinfect after every voter," said election assistant Stefan Harbich. "Nine out of ten voters have their own pen anyway." It is used in the conference room in the town hall. So far, almost 100 voters have cast their votes there. "The voters are actually relaxed," says Harbich.


Electoral assistants Stefan Harbich, Klaus Rößle and Michael Kammerer.

© cla

12.47 p.m., Einsbach: Why , voting is only exciting for adults: Maximilian likes best in Einsbach about this year's election that there are full of goods at the entrance.


Maximilian likes in Einsbach the best thing about this year's election: that there are full Guttis at the entrance.

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12.25 p.m., Bachern: In the polling station in the Schützenheim Unterbachern there is really something going on around 11.30 a.m. By then, 70 voters had already voted. According to Günter Lutter, there have been 405 postal voters who have been involved in elections in the municipality of Bergkirchen for ten years.


Electoral Advisor Michaela Wedi.

© Ink

The Bachern top candidates Josef Märkl jun. (1st place) and Michaela Wedi (3rd place) from the Bachern electoral community, who are competing for the first time and are particularly excited about the outcome of the election.

12.10 p.m., Petershausen: Short photo shoot on the big election day: Acting Mayor Marcel Fath cast his vote with the two election helpers Daniela Kleinschmidt and Janett Kiefel. Because of the corona virus, many citizens voted by postal vote. According to Daniel Stadelmann from the administration, around 2280 of around 4900 eligible voters had used postal voting until morning. That is why the administration has set up six instead of four postal polling stations for faster counting. Despite the public appeals that every voter should bring his own pen to fill out the election documents to avoid the risk of infection with the Corona virus, only about ten percent of the voters had prepared themselves.


The incumbent mayor Marcel Fath cast his vote with the two election workers Daniela Kleinschmidt and Janett Kiefel.

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12.05 p.m., Bergkirchen: At around 10 a.m., Mayor candidate Robert Axtner cast his vote in the Lauterbacher sports hall, and Mayor Simon Landmann stopped by, said the outgoing Lauterbach councilor Horst Winter. There are 700 voters in Lauterbach, 50 percent have already voted by postal vote. In addition to Horst Winter, election helpers are: Ariane Solleder (employee in the town hall), Lauterbacherin Carolin Esen (from the Dachau district office) and Gündinger Christian Zahmann (city of Dachau). The mayor and district administrator are counted on site.


In action in Bergkirchen, from left: Christian Zahmann, Carolin Esen, Ariane Solleder, Horst Winter

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11.55 a.m., Schwabhausen: The rush is still vague ..... There are even very large voting places here, where every ballot paper fits to open. Mayor candidate Florian Scherf has already cast his vote. The other two candidates chose postal voting. The outgoing mayor, Josef Baumgartner, is also in the polling stations. His wife is looking forward to the time ahead, while he is already thinking a little bit sadly about what he will miss a little bit now.


Mayor candidate Florian Scherf voting.

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11.45 a.m., Arnbach: Almost 400 out of 900 voters opted for postal voting. At 10.15 a.m. just under five percent of the expected voters were on site. However, there were already two peak times when voters had to wait significantly. The number of voting booths has been doubled. The privacy screens have also been doubled for each space so that the ballot paper can be spread out easily. One voter said that it was still not enough. Experience shows that the rush is expected in the afternoon.


Election worker in Arnbach.

© hr

11.30 a.m., Weichs: Today in the municipality of Weichs there are 2679 eligible voters (2014: 2553) who should vote in the polls. About 220 of them are first-time voters. There were 737 postal voters in 2014. This year, 1137 voters already take advantage of this opportunity by Thursday evening. The election director is Werner Kerzel. A total of 43 election workers are deployed at different times. Because of the corona virus, a number of security measures have been taken in the polling stations (voting districts I and II vote in the community hall, voting district III in the elementary school. For example, a disinfected ballpoint pen is provided on each voter disinfectant dispenser ready. In contrast to 2014, Mayor Harald Mundl (WBV) has no opponent this time. Six years ago, he received 89.66 percent of the vote.


The only candidate for mayor in Sulzemoos, Johannes Kneidl, has already voted.

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11.25 a.m., Sulzemoos : There are around 180 voters in the polling station in Sulzemoos town hall (for comparison: there were 496 in the 2018 state election). Many citizens have therefore used the postal voting option. The first shift of the election workers ended their service at 10.30 a.m. By then, 70 citizens had cast their votes. Mayor candidate Johannes Kneidl has already voted.


The first shift of election workers in Sulzemoos ended their service at 10.30 a.m.

© Photo: cst

11:15 a.m., Prittlbach: The poll workers pushed a quiet ball in the polling station in the old school building of Prittlbach. By about 9:15 a.m. eleven people had come to fill out their ballot papers and put them in the ballot box. As 2nd Mayor Martin Gasteiger says, the postal voters will surely grow. It remains to be seen whether Corona or the good weather will affect the turnout.


Hebertshausen's 2nd Mayor Martin Gasteiger (2nd from left) with his election workers in the polling station in Prittlbach.

© Khr


For many it is a great help if there is a seat like in the Ampermochinger polling station.

11 am Ampermoching: It has been a while before all the ballot papers have been properly filled out. In particular, the large ballot paper for the district council sometimes made something difficult for the voters. You could always hear a strong fold of paper to tame the large ballot paper. It was a big help when there was a seat like in the Ampermoching polling station. By 8:45 p.m. 20 people had appeared there casting their vote.

10:53 am Unterweilbach: The dog bravely waits in the polling station in Unterweilbach until his owner has chosen. The crowd in the polling station in the Unterweilbach fire station was not that big. By 9:00 p.m. ten people had filled out their ballots and thrown them into the ballot boxes.


The dog bravely waits in the polling station in Unterweilbach until his owner has chosen.

© khr

10.30 am Weichs: Shortly after ten o'clock, the Mayor of Weichs Harald Mundl (WBV) went to the ballot box in the common room. When asked about his personal result request, he gave a 9 before the decimal point. Mundl has no opposing candidate. Although there are an above-average number of postal voters this time, there is a lively polling station at the polls. Many of them have their own pens, says an election worker.


Harald Mudl voting

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9.30 am Hebertshausen: The deputy district administrator Marianne Klaffki was already in the polling station to vote in the early Sunday morning. Overall, the rush in the two polling stations in the school in Hebertshausen was manageable until around 9.30 a.m. Around 30 people voted in district II and 50 people voted in district I. The proportion of postal voters will probably level off at around 50 percent of those entitled to vote, according to an election worker.


The deputy district councilor and Hebertshauser councilor Marianne Klaffki (left) comes to the election on Sunday morning.

© khr

Thursday, March 13, 3 p.m .: Mayor Franz Obesser and Hubertus Schulz (Alliance 90 / Greens) compete against each other in Indersdorf. We asked both of them six questions. If you are still undecided, you can compare the answers here.

Thursday, March 13, 9.30 a.m .: Four challengers compete against incumbent Florian Hartmann (SPD): Markus Erhorn (FW Dachau), Dr. Peter Gampenrieder (ÜB), Wolfgang Moll (WIR) and Peter Strauch (CSU). If you want to get a quick overview - we asked the candidates six questions and compared the answers here.

Wednesday, March 11 5:21 p.m .: The incumbent in Haimhausen, Peter Felbermeier (CSU), has two challengers. Sabrina Spallek (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) and Detlef Wiese (Bürgerstimme Haimhausen) are still available. If you want to compare the positions of the three candidates, you have the opportunity here.

Wednesday, March 11, 4:15 p.m .: In Schwabhausen, Thomas Hack (UBV), Wolfgang Hörl (BBA / FWS) and Florian Scherf (CSU) want to replace incumbent Josef Baumgartner (FW). We interviewed the candidates on various topics. Those who do not yet know whom to elect as mayor can find a comparison here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2:40 pm: In Pfaffenhofen, incumbents Helmut Zech (CSU) and Susanne Vedova (Alliance 90 / The Greens) want to win the election for mayor. Here is a small comparison of the two on certain topics.

Wednesday, March 11, 11:55 a.m .: A duel is pending in Altomünster: For all undecided, we asked the two mayor candidates Anton Kerle (CSU) and Michael Reiter (FWG) five questions about their community. Here is the comparison.

Wednesday, March 11 10.40 a.m .: There are three candidates for mayor in Karlsfeld, Bernhard Goodwin (SPD), Stefan Kolbe (CSU) and Birgit Piroué (Alliance for Karlsfeld). For those who are still undecided: Here is a brief comparison of the positions of the candidates on key issues in the community.

Friday, March 6, 12 noon: In the district town of Dachau and the municipalities of the district, citizens are called to the ballot box on March 15 . In the 2020 municipal elections in Dachau, all types of municipal representatives are newly elected. Offices are assigned both at the level of cities and municipalities and at the level of counties . From the evening of the election, we will keep you up to date on all results of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria.

Important issues in the 2020 municipal election in the Dachau district

One of the dominant topics was climate protection. Almost all candidates wrote it on flags. Furthermore, the question of creating social housing and improving local transport is always important.

District election in Dachau - Landkreis has seven applicants

The previous incumbent is aiming for another term in the 2020 municipal election in the Dachau district. Six opposing candidates are challenging him. With this, Stefan Löwl (CSU) advertises for votes just like Hubert Böck (SPD), Achim Liebl (Greens), Dagmar Wagner (FW), Hauke ​​Stöwsand (ÖDP), Sebastian Leiß (FW Dachau) and Jonathan Westermeier (Linke).

Mayor election in Dachau - New city hall bosses wanted

In the 2020 local elections in Bavaria , the mayors are elected across the Free State in most municipalities. Also in the local elections in Dachau, the voters in the mayoral election each have one vote for their favorite.

In Dachau there are five candidates for the office of mayor: incumbent Florian Hartmann (SPD), Peter Strauch (CSU), Dr. Peter Gampenrieder (ÜB), Markus Erhorn (FW) and Wolfgang Moll (Wir).

If none of the candidates can win over 50 percent of the votes in the first ballot, the mayor will be finally elected in a runoff on March 29. In addition, the two candidates with the most votes from the first ballot will run. The same applies if, in the municipal election in 2020, district council candidates do not immediately receive an absolute majority .

Municipal council election and city council election in Dachau - Everywhere is elected

The municipal representations at the smallest level are determined by the municipal council election or city ​​council election . How many mandates are awarded depends on the respective municipality. In this election, voters have several votes that they can accumulate or vary. For easier understanding, we have summarized the most important information on the ballot papers for the local elections in Bavaria. The same principle applies to the crosses when choosing a district day.

District election in Dachau municipal election 2020 decides over 70 seats

The Dachau district council consists of the district administrator and new: 70 elected district councilors. In the upcoming local elections in Bavaria, all seats in the Dachau district will also be newly elected. The district councils work on a voluntary basis and are responsible for overseeing the district administration.

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