The Limited Times

Coronavirus in France: 514 new deaths in hospital, more than 17,000 dead in total since March 1

4/15/2020, 5:40:48 PM

For the first time since the start of the epidemic, the health authorities have fewer patients hospitalized on French territory

On this 30th day of confinement, France officially has 17,167 deaths linked to Covid-19. 514 new disappearances have been recorded in the hospital in the last 24 hours by the General Directorate of Health and 924 in the medico-social centers.

Public Health France recalls that the latest reports must be analyzed with caution as the declarations of death have been delayed due to the extended Easter weekend. In total, since March 1, 10,643 have died in a hospital establishment and 6,524 in specialized centers.

For the seventh consecutive day, the number of severe cases currently in intensive care is down (-273) but remains at a very high level (6,457). The Director General of Health continues to speak of a "very high plateau".

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The French authorities finally count 31,779 hospitalized patients. Or 513 fewer people than Tuesday: it's a first on French territory.

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