The Limited Times

The details of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law reveal under what circumstances the National Security Agency in Hong Kong will enforce the law? One principle

6/20/2020, 8:26:19 PM

The details of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" were officially revealed today (20th). Shen Chunyao, director of the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, made a draft of the law during the meeting. One of the details that attracted the most attention was that the central government will establish the National Security Office in Hong Kong. The "Draft" note states that the National Security Agency will only enforce the law in Hong Kong under special circumstances. What exactly is meant by "special circumstances"? In the future, will there be situations in the Mainland where officials from the Mainland will randomly enforce laws in Hong Kong? It is understood that the National Security Agency must comply with rigorous codes when enforcing laws in Hong Kong, and the provisions also specify a major principle that involves special and serious cases such as Tibetan independence, Xinjiang independence, Taiwan independence, international terrorist organization activities in Hong Kong, and international espionage cases. Local law enforcement When judicial power is not suitable for handling, in principle, the central government will deal with it.

Political situation

Written by Peng Zhuowei

2020-06-20 18:00

Last update date: 2020-06-20 18:00

The details of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" were officially revealed today (20th). Shen Chunyao, director of the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, made a draft of the law during the meeting. One of the details that attracted the most attention was that the central government will establish the National Security Office in Hong Kong. The "Draft" note states that the National Security Agency will only enforce the law in Hong Kong under special circumstances. What exactly is meant by "special circumstances"? In the future, will there be situations in the Mainland where officials from the Mainland will randomly enforce laws in Hong Kong?

It is understood that the National Security Agency must comply with rigorous codes when enforcing laws in Hong Kong, and the provisions also specify a major principle that involves special and serious cases such as Tibetan independence, Xinjiang independence, Taiwan independence, international terrorist organization activities in Hong Kong, and international espionage cases. Local law enforcement When judicial power is not suitable for handling, in principle, the central government will deal with it.

The National Security Agency is one of the central agencies stationed in Hong Kong. Like the Central Liaison Office, the People’s Liberation Army Garrison, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Office in Hong Kong, it is a central station in Hong Kong. The picture shows the Liaison Office. (Profile picture)

The National Security Agency is expected to be one of the central agencies stationed in Hong Kong. It is the fourth central stationed agency in Hong Kong after the Liaison Office of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the People’s Liberation Army, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stationed in Hong Kong. Its main task is to analyze important national security policies and Planning, and put forward opinions and suggestions on major strategies and policies for safeguarding national security; supervise, guide, coordinate, and support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in performing its duties of maintaining national security; collect and analyze national security intelligence information.

Regarding external concerns, will the National Security Office enforce the law in Hong Kong? According to Shen Chunyao’s “Notes”, the Central People’s Government reserves the right to exercise jurisdiction over serious crimes against national security in Hong Kong under “certain circumstances,” meaning that the Office only Law enforcement in Hong Kong under special circumstances, such as some special cases such as Tibetan independence, Xinjiang independence, and international terrorist organizations' activities in Hong Kong, etc. If the SAR government is unable to deal with it, the central government will deal with it. Other cases involving international espionage are also handled by the National Security Office in Hong Kong because the content of the case may be very sensitive or involve state secrets.

In fact, the establishment of the National Security Agency in Hong Kong is also in line with Deng Xiaoping's original intention of proposing one country, two systems in 1987. At the time, when he met with the members of the Hong Kong Basic Law Drafting Committee, he once said, "Keeping certain powers of the Central Government will be beneficial to Hong Kong," and "There are always some things that you cannot solve without the Central Authorities."

It is worth noting that Shen Chunyao did not mention how to deal with cases involving Hong Kong independence. It is understood that this means that future Hong Kong independence cases will continue to be enforced by the Hong Kong government. I believe this move can relieve most Hong Kong people. Doubts and concerns.

The news also pointed out that most of the future cases will be enforced and handled by the Hong Kong government itself. The National Security Office will only exercise jurisdiction over the cases in "specific circumstances".

It is reported that Shen Chunyao emphasized in the "Note" that the cases under the jurisdiction of the central government are only "under specific circumstances" and are few and far between. Therefore, they will not replace the responsibilities of the relevant agencies of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or affect the independence enjoyed by the Special Administrative Region under the Basic Law. Judicial power and final adjudication.

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The details of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law reveal under what circumstances the National Security Agency in Hong Kong will enforce the law? One principle

Hong Kong version of the National Security Law

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