The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: another 185 deaths and 11,892 new cases are reported in the last 24 hours

9/15/2020, 11:58:50 PM

This was reported by the Ministry of Health of the Nation in its daily part.09/15/2020 - 20:38 Clarí Society The Ministry of Health of the Nation reported this Tuesday that in the last 24 hours 185 deaths from coronavirus were reported and new 11,892 infections were identified. With these records, there are 577,338 positives in the country and the number of deaths since the pandemic began is 11,852. The Province of Buenos Aires, with 6,001 positives, was the one th

09/15/2020 - 20:38

  • Clarí

  • Society


Ministry of Health of the Nation

reported this Tuesday that in the last 24 hours 185 deaths from coronavirus were reported and new 11,892 infections were identified.

With these records, there are 577,338 positives in the country and the number of deaths since the pandemic began is 11,852.

The Province of Buenos Aires, with 6,001 positives, was the one that registered the most cases with 50 percent of the total.

Then it was Santa Fe (1,056) that for the second time surpassed the City of Buenos Aires (1,010)

This Tuesday morning,

43 new deaths

from coronavirus

had been confirmed

since the Monday night report.

28 men


16 residents in the province of Buenos Aires, 6 in the City, 1 in the province of Chaco, 2 in Mendoza, 1 resident in Neuquén and 2 in Tucumán;


15 women

: 11 in the province of Buenos Aires, 2 in CABA, 1 in Tucumán and 1 in Salta.

In the afternoon, 142 new deaths were reported. 

67 men;

32 Buenos Aires;

12 of CABA;

1 from Chaco;

1 from Chubut;

4 from Córdoba;

3 from Entre Ríos;

5 from Jujuy;

2 from La Rioja;

3 from Río Negro;

1 from Salta;

3 from Santa Fe.

 And 75 women


41 Buenos Aires;

6 of CABA;

2 from Chubut;

4 from Córdoba;

2 from Entre Ríos;

5 from Jujuy;

3 from La Rioja;

1 from Mendoza;

4 from Río Negro;

3 from Salta;

4 of Santa Fe.

With the numbers of this Tuesday, Argentina was the second country with the most deaths per million inhabitants in 24 hours after Brazil.

The list of the top ten countries in the world with the most deaths per million is continued by Peru, Colombia, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Iran, Russia and India.

Situation # COVID19 in Argentina

Confirmed: 11,892 |

Total: 577,338 Deaths

: 142 |

Total: 11,852

ICU beds occupation: 3,049

Percentage of total adult ICU beds:

- Nation: 59.8%

- AMBA: 68.1%

Full report:

- Ministry of Health of the Nation (@msalnacion) September 15, 2020

As reported in the morning, the fatality rate of the virus remains at 2.1% and the specific mortality reaches 257 people per million inhabitants,

with an average age of 74 years.

There are currently 3,049 people with a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus who need care in intensive care units.

The level of occupancy of intensive care beds is 59.8% throughout the country and rises to 68.1% in the AMBA, although the tension is much higher in some districts of inland provinces such as Río Negro, Jujuy, Salta , Mendoza and Santa Fe.

"We are working hard in those provinces for the management of beds and referrals," said the Secretary for Access to Health, Carla Vizzotti this morning.

And he added: "The occupation of therapy beds, like the percentage of positivity,

is increasing in the interior,

at the expense of municipalities with outbreaks and community circulation."

The official also gave details of the incidence of cases in the different jurisdictions in the last 15 days: "

The City of Buenos Aires has the highest incidence

with 393 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Jujuy 369, the AMBA 321, Mendoza has 304 cases, Santa Cruz 299 and Río Negro 290, while the country's average is 221 cases.

The Minister of Health, Ginés González García, for his part, announced on Tuesday the extension

of the stimulus bonus for health personnel

and pointed to the City for the latest openings, amid

the peak of the coronavirus pandemic.

"I will continue asking the City of Buenos Aires to show solidarity as the country was at the beginning,

when the problem was with the City and a quarantine was carried out for the entire country,

" Ginés said in a conference.

President Alberto Fernández announced weeks ago that the quarantine against the coronavirus will continue until September 20.

Fernández had presented the continuity of the isolation scheme through a video that he recorded after the meeting he had with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Axel Kicillof to define the final details.


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