The Limited Times

Elections in the United States: What are the possible combinations for Joe Biden to win or for Donald Trump to win?

11/5/2020, 2:38:40 AM

The Democratic candidate appears with better chances than the president. The possible scenarios.

11/04/2020 19:27

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/04/2020 8:50 PM

Almost a day after the end of the elections in the United States, at least six states are still pending completion of the total vote count, considering that Wisconsin and Michigan, two of the most contested, the North American media have already awarded it to Joe Biden over President Donald Trump.

Thus, the Democrat has 253 voters and the Republican 214, out of the 270 needed

to reach the White House.

There are still Nevada (6 voters) and Arizona (11 voters), from the west side, and Pennsylvania (20), North Carolina (15) and Georgia (16), from the east.

Plus Alaska, which contributes 3 to the Electoral College.

The first option for Biden is the simplest

: he already has 253 voters and with prevailing in Nevada and Arizona, where he is in charge, he reaches 270 and is consecrated President.

He can also lose in all states and reverse the difference that Trump

makes in Pennsylvania

, his home state, and by adding those 20 delegates, which would place him with 273. For now, 84 percent of the votes are counted and Trump has a 52% and Biden 46.7%, but Democrats maintain that there are many missing votes by mail from Philadelphia, favorable to his candidacy.

Among the various possible combinations, there are some less likely and involve the states of Georgia and North Carolina, where Trump prevails.

If Biden wins both, victory is assured.

And if he wins in one of them, he must win at least one of the two states in which he is in front: Arizona or Nevada.

Thus, to the current 253, it could add between 21 and 36 voters.

The 3 from Alaska matter little to Biden.

If Obama's former vice vice loses in Arizona or Nevada, he will

have to win North Carolina or Georgia.

Trump, more complicated

With Michigan and Wisconsin already on the side of Joe Biden, the president has some options left to remain in the White House, but more complex than those of his Democratic rival.

His 214 current delegates force him to add 56 more, who must come out of triumphs in Pennsylvania (20), Georgia (16), North Carolina (15), the 4 from Alaska that are safe, but he must win at least one of the western states: Arizona (11) or Nevada (6).

If he loses in both, there will be no possible victory.

He could also lose North Carolina or Georgia, but for that he will have to triumph yes or yes in Arizona and Nevada, for now in the hands of Biden.

Look also

The race for the White House, the triumph of Biden or Trump depends on very few votes in some key states

Look also

The other elections in the USA: legalization of drugs, wolves in the parks and other curious proposals

Joe Biden pointed at Donald Trump and was confident of a victory: "When all the votes are counted we will win"

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