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Elections in the United States: marches in favor of Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a country in suspense by definition


Democrats mobilized in New York under the slogan "every vote counts" and there was tension with Republicans in Detroit.

11/04/2020 23:27

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/04/2020 23:31

24 hours after the beginning of the elections in the United States, the country is still in suspense by the presidential definition between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

After a day full of

denunciations and crosses

between the candidates and their sides, the tension moved to the streets with

marches, protests and tension

in different states including

New York, Philadelphia and Detroit. 

For example, thousands of voters for Democrat Biden marched peacefully down

Fifth Avenue in New York

to demand "the counting of every vote," while in Detroit voters for Trump called for a halt

in the hinge state of Michigan.

Likewise, several hundred people demonstrated in Philadelphia, the main city of the state of Pennsylvania (USA), so that all the votes are counted and the democratic process of the presidential elections is respected, which must end

with the counting of the


ballots sent by mail.

"All votes count."

Democrats march down Fifth Avenue in New York.

Mark Abramson / Bloomberg

New york

"Donald Trump claimed victory before each vote has been counted and we want to get the message


that this is not acceptable.

But I am not afraid, we are going to stop this

," Sarah Boyagian, 29, told the international AFP agency. , a member of the "Coalition to protect the result" that organized the march.

"I'm afraid that democracy is hanging by a thread.

I don't know if Biden won the election, you have to count every vote," said John Fraser, a 47-year-old computer scientist.

In fact, during his speech on Wednesday afternoon, Joe Biden said:

 "No one is going to take away our democracy,

not now or ever ... We, the people, will never be silenced, we will never be intimidated. We, the people. , We never give up".

"Stop Trump."

The sign on the historic steps of the New York Library (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP)

The truth is that in New York they marched with signs that said "Every vote counts" or

"Stop Trump from stealing the election."

They cut Fifth Avenue and moved south to

Washington Square

to the beat of drums and chanting slogans.

"All votes count, count all votes," sang hundreds of others who concentrated on the stairs of the

New York Library.

Among the lions that guard the doors of the centennial building,

labor, immigrant and political organizations

gathered to show their rejection of the request of Trump's electoral team to recount the votes.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump's lawyer, spoke Wednesday with Lara Trump, the tycoon's daughter-in-law (AP Photo / Matt Slocum)

Already Trump, precisely, had announced that he was going to request a recount in the key state of



He also filed a lawsuit in court to suspend the count in


What finally happened in those states?

Biden won in

Wisconsin and Michigan,

two of the key territories for an election victory.

and expanded the lead it holds over Trump.


The protest in Detroit, in

front of a center where votes were being counted, was much smaller but tense, according to an AFP photographer at the scene and videos posted on social media.


"Stop counting!",

Pro-Trump protesters demanded to stop the count and observe the process.

Videos of the protest showed protesters in front of the vote counting center 

as police blocked them from entering.

Our lawyers have asked for “meaningful access”, but what good does that do?

The damage has already been done to the integrity of our system, and to the Presidential Election itself.

This is what should be discussed!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020

For his part, New York Police Commissioner Dermot Shea warned Tuesday that there will be "zero tolerance" by his agents for possible riots in the Big Apple after the closure of polling stations.

"The source of the violence is Trump and his fascist thugs," said another leader.

(AP Photo / Jae C. Hong)

Look also

Elections in the United States: Joe Biden won Michigan and was one step away from being the next president

Elections in the United States: What are the possible combinations for Joe Biden to win or for Donald Trump to win?

The other elections in the USA: legalization of drugs, wolves in the parks and other curious proposals

With distance and without favorites: how the Argentine government continues the US election

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-11-05

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