The Limited Times

2020 US election: Joe Biden is now also in front in the key state of Pennsylvania

11/6/2020, 2:05:41 PM

On election night, Donald Trump had spoken of a clear victory in Pennsylvania - but his lead is gone. If Joe Biden wins the state, the US Democrat would be the winner of the presidential election.

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Joe Biden


The further the Pennsylvania count goes on, the worse it looks for Donald Trump.

For a long time, the US president led the embattled state.

Already on election night, the Republican had said, given his lead, that he would clearly win in Pennsylvania.

A clear victory for Trump in the state has long been no longer possible, the race there is now far too close.

And above all: According to the TV broadcaster CNN, challenger Joe Biden is now just ahead of the president with a good 5500 votes - Biden had also taken the lead in Georgia before.

Most recently, a US federal judge rejected Trump's campaign team's motion to stop the count in Pennsylvania.

The lawsuit will not be allowed, said Judge Paul Diamond.

Trump wanted to force the count to continue only when Republican observers attend.

However, following a court order, Republicans already have access to the Philadelphia polling station.

Trump's team is of the opinion that the work of the observers will be hindered.

Pennsylvania holds a special place in the battle for the White House.

The state has 20 electorates.

If Biden wins in Pennsylvania, the presidential election would be in favor of the Democrat.

If Trump loses in the state, he can no longer reach the majority of 270 electoral college voters.

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