The Limited Times

US election 2020: Biden "turns" Georgia, Trump's Pennsylvania also wobbles - who is currently ahead?

11/6/2020, 12:54:16 PM

In the 2020 US election, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be in a head-to-head race. Who is ahead? Here you will find updates on the status of the last few states.

In the 2020 US election, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be in a head-to-head race.

Who is ahead?

Here you will find updates on the status of the last few states.

  • On November 3 in the found



    presidential election in 2020


  • Since election night there have been 

    interim results

     for individual states, and the

    current status of

    the counts was


    published regularly.

  • We keep track of all the news and answer questions like: “

    Who is ahead?


Munich / Washington, DC - After the US population elected their head of state on November 3rd, the vote count is still ongoing three days after the 2020 US election.

Will the

US get

a new



Joe Biden

or can incumbent

Donald Trump

defend his seat in the White House?

Who is ahead

in the 2020 US election and what do the

interim results



The current

intermediate state

offers this news ticker.


 addition to the two most promising candidates Trump (Republicans) and Biden (Democrats), other candidates also took part in the

2020 US election

: In addition to the large parties, several small parties also sent their

presidential candidates

into the race.

However, a victory against the Republican and Democratic candidates is virtually impossible.

US election 2020: How is the intermediate result / intermediate result determined?

Just like in Germany, the


for the 

2020 US election



First findings are obtained from the post-election surveys.

After visiting the polling stations, Americans are asked who they voted for.

Subsequently, the first 

interim results 

after the closing of the polling stations and the ballot counts for the respective state will be announced.


current status (1:45 p.m. CET)


hope to

Joe Biden and his

runner-up, Kamala Harris


According to the latest

interim status

he could competitive in the tough choice-critical states of




an interim

catch up high behind Trump

and these

overtake some.


every single vote counts

in the

five states

that are

still open






confident of victory

, but warned his followers to keep calm.

"We believe we will be the winners when the vote count is over," said the Democratic candidate on Wednesday evening in his home state of Delaware.

But when the 

final result of

 the 2020 US election will be certain is difficult to predict because of the tight race for the office of President of the United States of America.

Especially since in some states the

postal votes

have to be counted.

US election 2020: extremely close interim result in "swing states" - who is ahead here?

One of the central questions regarding the interim results of the US election is: who is ahead in the contested states?

The US election is traditionally decided

in so-called “swing states”, ie the

US states

in which a clear electoral tendency in favor of the Democrats or Republicans cannot be recognized from the outset.

Apparently President Trump does not want to give up there without a fight.

The 74-year-old suspected alleged election fraud and has already announced a wave of lawsuits: In





Pennsylvania he

tried to stop the

counting of the votes

, in

Wisconsin he

wants to force a recount of the votes.


- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2020

The US media announced Biden's victory in Michigan despite the counting still ongoing, as the Democrat said they were unassailable.

Biden would recapture two states, Michigan and Wisconsin, which in 2016 the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton surprisingly lost to Trump.

As early as Wednesday, some US media reported that Biden had also won in Arizona, four years ago the state had gone to Trump.

Intermediate result of the US election: Biden is ahead of Trump


the Democrat's lead

in the count


significantly during the night, which is why CNN, among others, did not want to commit to an election winner in this state for the time being.

Including Arizona, Biden would have received 264 of the 270 required electoral votes and would only need one state for the overall victory.



, Biden has 253 voters.

Therefore all eyes are now on the

five states


have not yet been decided



Alaska is

considered safe for Trump.



, Biden's supporters were counting on victory, but the race turned out to be a lot closer than expected.

US election 2020: final results are a long time coming

It looks even tighter in





North Carolina

, where experts

dared not make any predictions

because of the

tight interim results


It is still unclear when new results will be announced there and

who will be ahead in the end


From government circles in Georgia it was said that the end result would probably be published in the afternoon (local time).


official result of the 2020 US election will

 be announced after the

election of

the electorate in December.


inauguration of the President

 will take place on January 20, 2021, unless there is re-election.


List of rubric lists: © Patrick Semansky / AP / dpa / picture alliance

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