The Limited Times

People's Congress DQ pan-people resignation Chen Keqin criticizes irrationality

11/9/2020, 12:47:54 PM

"Hong Kong 01" first reported today (9th) that Beijing will take action to deprive the pan-democratic legislators in order to "counter" the Rab protests after the resumption of the democratic camp. In the scheduled September Legislative Council election, Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi and Liang Jichang of the accounting circles were elected by the DQ's Civic Party. After a closed-door meeting held in the afternoon, the pro-democracy legislators met with reporters to announce that if the National People's Congress disqualifies the pro-democracy legislators, the 19 current pro-democracy legislators will have no hesitation in their remarks and make the strongest protest. Some establishment lawmakers criticized the pandemic’s irrational decision. Chen Keqin, the "deputy squad leader" of the establishment and the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, worries that after leaving the parliament, the Panmin will break away from the platform for rational discussion of politics and be bound by radical lines and go further and further. The real political roundtable Tian Beichen stated that if the government fails to provide reasonable justifications for DQ, it may cause a new wave of irreparable tears.

Political situation

Written by: Zhai Ruimin

2020-11-09 20:31

Last update date: 2020-11-09 20:31

"Hong Kong 01" first reported today (9th) that Beijing will take action to deprive the pan-democratic legislators in order to "counter" the Rab protests after the resumption of the democratic camp. In the scheduled September Legislative Council election, Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi and Liang Jichang of the accounting circles were elected by the DQ's Civic Party.

After a closed-door meeting held in the afternoon, the pro-democracy legislators met with reporters to announce that if the National People's Congress disqualifies the pro-democracy legislators, the 19 current pro-democracy legislators will have no hesitation in their remarks and make the strongest protest.

Some establishment lawmakers criticized the pandemic’s irrational decision.

Chen Keqin, the "deputy squad leader" of the establishment and the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, worries that after leaving the parliament, the Panmin will break away from the platform for rational discussion of politics and be bound by radical lines and go further and further.

The real political roundtable Tian Beichen stated that if the government fails to provide reasonable justifications for DQ, it may cause a new wave of irreparable tears.

Tian Beichen said that if the government fails to provide reasonable justifications for DQ, it may trigger a new wave of irreparable tears.

(Photo/Photo by Ou Jiale)

Tian Beichen: Unreasonable reasons will "drive the dog into the poor alley"

Tian Beichen believes that, without knowing who was DQ on and on what basis, Panmin announced that it was "not good".

He said that it should depend on the rationale for the Central Government’s deprivation of membership. If the rationale put forward by the government is unreasonable from the perspective of mainstream opinions, it will give people a sense of extinction, may face legal challenges, and will even "drive a dog." "Poor Alley" has triggered a new wave of irreparable political disputes and tears.

But he urged that if DQ only targets some members and has reasonable grounds to persuade others not to resign; he emphasizes that members are supported by voters to enter the parliament and are responsible for monitoring the government and cannot leave all due to political reasons.

To deprive members of the membership, in addition to Article 104 of the Basic Law cited in the Liang You DQ case, there is also Article 22 of the "Minato National Security Law" that came into effect on July 1 this year.

Tian Beichen explained that since the National Security Law has no retrospective effect, it cannot target crimes before its entry into force. However, if the behavior occurs after July 1, both laws will apply.

He also said that there is no problem opposing the government, but the pan-people "blindly oppose" any issue and violated the pledge of allegiance to the Basic Law and the port area.

The Chief Executive, principal officials, members of the Executive Council, members of the Legislative Council, court judges at all levels, and other judicial personnel of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must swear to uphold the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and be loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China when taking office.

Article 104 of the Basic Law

Serious interference, obstruction, or damage to the central government organs of the People’s Republic of China or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government organs in performing their functions in accordance with the law, offenders can be sentenced to a maximum of five years and ten years in prison; lesser ones can be sentenced to five years in prison, criminal detention or control.

Article 22, Paragraph 3 of the Minato National Security Act




Chen Keqin: There is nothing wrong with the central move

Chen Keqin, a member of the DAB’s Legislative Council and the "deputy monitor" of the establishment, criticized that the general resignation of the pan-democrats is not a rational approach. Go farther.

He also said, "If the democrats seriously discuss politics and follow the "Rules of Procedure," even if they criticize the government, engage in summoning motions and condemn motions, there will be no problems."

He also emphasized that even if the central government really makes an effort to rob members of the membership, it is understandable.

Chen Keqin said that the behavior of Panmin in the past few months has violated Article 104 of the Basic Law, and the situation is equivalent to the 2016 Liang You DQ case. The central government has legal basis for the action; he also quoted the earlier Bauhinia Research Institute According to polls, 60% of citizens opposed being retained by DQ members in the elections originally scheduled for September.

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Democratic Party of the People's Congress

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