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National People's Congress DQ | Lam Cheng: The National People's Congress will not change the rubber stamp of the resignation meeting, and the controversial law will be passed soon, more excited


The SAR government announced that in accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, four members of the Sixth Legislative Council, Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi, and Liang Jichang from the accounting community, were immediately disqualified as members of the Legislative Council. Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor met with the media in the afternoon with Secretary for Justice Zheng Ruohua and Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Zeng Guowei. Democratic congressmen stated earlier that if any congressmen are rejected by the DQ, they will all resign in protest. I was asked if the parliament has lost the voice of the democrats. Will some controversial bills such as "Lantau Tomorrow" and overseas voting be passed quickly? Is the government "ashamed" to do so? In response, Lam Cheng retorted that there was no "sorry", because every proposal submitted by the government, whether it is a law amendment or a grant application, has been carefully considered and is for the economic development of Hong Kong and the improvement of people's livelihood. She further stated that since the relevant motion was proposed by the government, she certainly hopes to be passed. "We are more excited that the Parliament can pass it as soon as possible," because it makes the government's work more efficient.

Political situation

Written by: Luo Jiaqing

2020-11-11 16:57

Last update date: 2020-11-11 16:57

The SAR government announced that in accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, four members of the Sixth Legislative Council, Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi, and Liang Jichang from the accounting community, were immediately disqualified as members of the Legislative Council.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor met with the media in the afternoon with Secretary for Justice Zheng Ruohua and Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Zeng Guowei.

Democratic congressmen stated earlier that if any congressmen are rejected by the DQ, they will all resign in protest.

I was asked if the parliament has lost the voice of the democrats. Will some controversial bills such as "Lantau Tomorrow" and overseas voting be passed quickly? Is the government "ashamed" to do so?

In response, Lam Cheng retorted that there was no "sorry", because every proposal submitted by the government, whether it is a law amendment or a grant application, has been carefully considered and is for the economic development of Hong Kong and the improvement of people's livelihood.

She further stated that since the relevant motion was proposed by the government, she certainly hopes to be passed. "We are more excited that the Parliament can pass it as soon as possible," because it makes the government's work more efficient.




Will not deliberately put away the dispute bill

Will it become a rubber stamp when the parliament loses the voice of the democrats?

Lam Cheng said that this question should be asked to every member of the Council who decided to resign. She pointed out that if the democratic legislators think they are gatekeepers and want to monitor the government, why are they willing to give up their key role at this time.

Lam Cheng emphasized, "I don't believe that after these dozen or so members collectively resign from the parliament, it is impossible for the Hong Kong SAR to face a rubber stamped Legislative Council."

She also pointed out that the previous motions have not been supported by all establishments in the Legislative Council. Therefore, the government still needs to strive for the support of every member. However, she reiterated that it is very important for a democratic society to have diverse voices.

Regarding work in the next year, Lam Cheng said that each policy bureau has its own arrangements for the work of this legislative year, and will not deliberately put away what it will do, and controversial work will continue to be pushed.

She denied that she would speed up certain tasks while taking advantage of the current legislative council sector’s advantage. Some large-scale projects always need time to do pre-feasibility studies. If they can’t finish processing this year and have to come back to the next session, it will waste energy. .

Regarding the resignation of democratic members or the general meeting, Lam Cheng said that he did not have any special views, thinking that this was their decision, just as the three members stated on September 30 that they would not be extended.

But she emphasized that she hopes that Members will consider the overall interests and what effect it will bring to society.

People's Congress DQ.

Live | 4 people were immediately DQ Democrats deputies and announced their resignation separately at 5:15

People's Congress DQ.

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Carrie Lam Legislative Council Democrats National People's Congress Lantau tomorrow

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-11-11

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