The Limited Times

National People's Congress DQ·Demolition|Beijing "Returning Carbine" Closes the Net and Calculates the Profit and Loss Equation

11/10/2020, 4:02:37 AM

There was a heavy news from politics this week. "Hong Kong 01" first reported yesterday (November 9) that Beijing will take a heavy-handed "counter" the Rab protests after the resumption of the democratic camp. Many democratic deputies are expected to be disqualified by the DQ as a result. It is scheduled that the citizens' parties Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi and the professional political discussion Liang Jichang, who were disqualified in the September Legislative Council election, will be the four most "high-risk" people. Democrats convened a press conference in the evening to indicate that if the National People's Congress implements the DQ decision, it will resign immediately. In August this year, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress decided to extend the term of the Legislative Council for no less than one year. Incumbent members can stay in their positions, including those who were originally elected by the DQ. At that time, it appeared to be a “concession”. After a round of disputes between the democrats Decided to stay. If DQ's decision is true, Beijing can be considered a "return to the carbine" at this time to kill the democrats by surprise. At this time, the democrats always resigned and counterattacked, which was seen by the outside world as an act of "avoiding self-humiliation." Instead of being DQ by the establishment in the parliament, it would be better to leave one hundred on their own.

Political situation

Written by: Lin Jian

2020-11-10 11:53

Last update date: 2020-11-10 11:56

There was a heavy news from politics this week.

"Hong Kong 01" first reported yesterday (November 9) that Beijing will take a heavy-handed "counter" the Rab protests after the resumption of the democratic camp. Many democratic deputies are expected to be disqualified by the DQ as a result. It is scheduled that the citizens' parties Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi and the professional political discussion Liang Jichang, who were disqualified in the September Legislative Council election, will be the four most "high-risk" people.

Democrats convened a press conference in the evening to indicate that if the National People's Congress implements the DQ decision, it will resign immediately.

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress decided in August this year to extend the Legislative Council for no less than one year. Incumbent members can stay in their positions, including those who were originally elected by the DQ. At that time, it appeared to be a “concession”. After a round of disputes between the democrats Decided to stay.

If DQ's decision is true, Beijing can be considered a "return to the carbine" at this time to kill the democrats by surprise.

At this time, the democrats always quit their counterattack, which is regarded by the outside world as an act of "avoiding self-humiliation." Instead of being DQ by the establishment in the parliament, it is better to leave one hundred on their own.

▼The Democrats announce the decision press conference▼




4 Democrats will not be guaranteed their veto power if DQ condemns the motion

More than 600,000 people voted in the primary elections for the democrats of the Legislative Council, and many of them successfully qualified.

However, the election of the Legislative Council was postponed, and the National People's Congress decided to extend the term of Parliament for no less than one year, and the original class of members would stay in office.

While the democrats and protesters were frustrated, the contradiction shifted to whether they should participate in the extension of the parliament.

The Democratic Party later launched a poll to decide whether to stay or not. After only half of the pros and cons, it adopted a "political decision" to stay.

In the end, with the exception of Chen Zhiquan, Zhu Kaidi, and Chen Shuzhuang, a total of 19 people remained.

In this dispute, the mainstream pan-people face the first fork in the road: to withstand internal pressure and stay in office, or to let them go and leave collectively. In the end, the pan-people choose the former.

But the political risk of staying in office is also quite obvious: as the protesters question the legitimacy of the extension of the parliament, the remaining democrats cannot be soft in the struggle in the parliament, otherwise they will be sniped fiercely by the protesters even if they can stand for election in the future; In the current political environment, every move in the Legislative Council from participating in elections to the parliament will be strictly "constrained" by Beijing. It is like a knife on the neck. The resistance is too fierce and will be held accountable at any time.

After weighing the situation, when the extension of the term of office began, the democrats clearly chose the "struggle" route and used their magic weapon in the Legislative Council meeting, including multiple speeches and constant requests to count the number of people. At least 3 times have been made so far. Stream will.

As the operation of the parliament has been severely delayed, the establishment has repeatedly heard reporters criticizing the practice. Chairman Liang Junyan can't help asking members to respect the statutory functions of the parliament and draw a line to vote, but the democrats did not listen.

As a result, the serious raging behavior caused Beijing to "return the carbine". It was suddenly reported at noon yesterday (9th) that Beijing had disqualified at least four members including the Civic Party Yang Yueqiao from being a member of the Panminist Council for violating Article 104 of the Basic Law.

As soon as the news came out, everyone within the democrats had rushed to discuss countermeasures, and finally made the decision to resign if the People's Congress DQ.

Since the current democratic faction, together with the passionate citizen Zheng Songtai and the medical profession Chen Peiran, have 21 contractors. Among the 62 incumbent members, they account for more than one-third, which can just resist the condemnation motion (assuming that the chairman Liang Junyan does not vote according to the usual practice and is condemned. Members abstained).

At present, the condemnation motion of Democratic Party Member Hui Zhifeng has been placed on the agenda of the meeting.

If any member of the Democrats is DQ by the National People's Congress, it will no longer be possible to prevent the establishment from using the DQ Democrats to condemn the motion.

As soon as the news of the National People's Congress DQ came out, 19 democrats threatened to speak out, and other democrats commented on the incident:

Huang Biyun: I have tried my best to keep to the end

The democrats talked about the general remarks at this time, which aroused discussion in political circles.

Someone reiterated that Beijing’s decision in August to extend the parliament to "retain people under the knife" and allow the "DQ4" to remain in office was actually a tactical "trap". It first created chaos within the democratic camp and argued about whether to stay in office or not. Only after Panmin stayed in office and continued to pull the cloth did he really make a move.

This can be a political gesture: "I have given you the opportunity to reform, but you are still obsessed with it. Continue to spread the word. DQ is yours."

In fact, since the news of Beijing's launch of DQ came out today, many people outside the mainstream democrats have ridiculed the pan-people.

For example, Liu Jiahong, chairman of the founding party of the People’s Forces, sarcastically said: "Sorry, did you support an inch of land that day? Is it to hold the parliament? DQ4, there are more than a dozen guards, do you?"

The Democratic Legislative Council Member Huang Biyun responded to the above statement, saying that at the moment when the democratic legislators agreed to extend their term, they decided to do everything they could to monitor the government and resist unpopular bills, not for personal reputation or to please any faction. There will be no thought of "stepping on a trap".

She pointed out that the democrats had tried their best to keep to the end, but believed that if DQ’s decision was true, it would be Beijing’s “backlash” first and changed its mind soon after deciding the extension of the original parliament. In the case of liquidation, it can only advance and retreat together.

Latest|19 Democrats Legislative Council Members: The National People's Congress DQ is the general speech

Counter-attack to the National People's Congress DQ News: Panmin is discussing the general resignation behind closed doors and clarifying the decision at 6 pm

Exclusive | News from DQ Pan-Democrats in Beijing: At least four people have violated Article 104 of the Basic Law


Democratic Legislative Council

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