The Limited Times

Containment, a precious ally of cycling

11/18/2020, 6:33:57 PM

The number of bicycle trips counted from January 1 to November 15 has increased significantly compared to 2019, according to the association Vélos et Territoires.

We could have feared the worst for cycling after the entry into force of the second confinement on October 30!

That is to say a drastic drop in its use as for other modes of transport, such as the metro or the train, which saw their use decrease by 70% and 85% respectively.

Initially, this was indeed the case.

"But after a sharp drop recorded during the first week of confinement, frequentation of cycle paths is now almost at the level of 2019

, notes the association Vélos et Territoires in its latest monthly bulletin, published this Wednesday and including

Le Figaro.

got a copy.

However, the impact is limited.

The number of bicycle passages recorded from January 1 to November 15, 2020 increased by 10% compared to the same period of 2019. Excluding confinements, this figure shows an increase of 28% ”


Present throughout the national territory, the association, to which 10 regions, 61 departments and 25 intermunicipal bodies belong

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