The Limited Times

François Bayrou, a planner in macronia

11/20/2020, 4:16:44 PM

REPORT - A close ally of Emmanuel Macron, the president of the MoDem has found a significant role in the state apparatus. He very quickly wanted to engage in many political debates even if it meant jostling the government.

The move is approaching.

Next month, François Bayrou will take possession of his new office.

The beautiful hotel in Beistegui, rue de Constantine (7th arrondissement), has been awarded to him.

In the former premises of the Government Information Service (SIG), he will install his

“commando team”,


“intellectual cabinet”,

as his entourage suggests.

The Béarnais chisels at full speed the new costume of High Commissioner for Planning that the Head of State offered him a little over two months ago.

Of course, the return of the health crisis did not help him shine the spotlight on his taking office.

However, each week, the Pau plane barely touches the Parisian tarmac that the meetings follow one another at a sustained pace.

With party leaders, with union officials.

Or with the President of the EESC, in front of whom he intervened on October 28 to present his first

“orientation note”,


“melee entry”

as he likes to present it, which

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