The Limited Times

Sayyed Nasrallah: The resistance is not looking for a war, but it will fight it if it is imposed on it

2/16/2021, 10:01:18 PM

Beirut-SANA The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, once again warned the Israeli occupation entity against art


The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, once again warned the Israeli occupation entity of the consequences of committing any new folly against Lebanon, stressing that the resistance is not looking for a war but will fight it if it is imposed on it.

Sayyed Nasrallah vowed in a speech today on the anniversary of the martyr leaders, the officials of the occupation entity, saying: “If you hit our cities, we will strike your own cities. They played with fire and let the enemy know their limits.

Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that the systematic, orchestrated and paid campaign against Hezbollah had failed to tarnish the image of the Lebanese National Resistance in its environment and its audience.

"We abide by our pledge to the martyrs leaders and we will preserve this resistance because this is a priority for us, and serving people is a priority that includes several areas, including the defense of the homeland and the people against any Zionist threat," said Nasrallah, pointing to the advanced and qualitative weapons and capabilities that the resistance largely possesses. “.

On the file of the Lebanese government formation, Sayyed Nasrallah said: “We see in the formation of the government an interest for all, and we do not believe that anyone does not want to form it.

Sayyed Nasrallah considered that any talk about an international resolution under Chapter Seven regarding the government is a call to war on the country and its occupation again, warning that going the matter to the Security Council means bringing all countries of the world to Lebanon to achieve their interests, which is unacceptable because it contravenes Lebanon’s interest and conflicts with The principle of sovereignty.

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah stressed that Syria, which defeated the terrorist organization "ISIS" in the past, will defeat it again and will not allow its revival in the region again.

Concerning the Palestinian issue, Sayyid Nasrallah pointed out that the Palestinian file will be strongly present this year as it was in the past, pointing out that the American “deal of the century” aimed at eliminating the Palestinian cause has come to its fore as a result of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and the axis of resistance, which haunts the occupation entity and the Bani regime Saud significantly.

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