The Limited Times

New Crown Vaccine | 50,000 injections in a single day, a maximum of 1.5 million people have been injected in a hundred days

6/6/2021, 2:23:57 AM

The new crown vaccination plan has entered its 100th day, and today (5th) more than 50,000 people have been injected, which is a peak since the start of the vaccination. 31,000 of them have received the first injection, breaking the single-day vaccination record. A total of 1.5 million people have received at least one injection. One stitch. this

Social News

Written by: Lin Yingxian

2021-06-05 21:54

Last update date: 2021-06-05 21:54

The new crown vaccination plan has entered its 100th day, and today (5th) more than 50,000 people have been injected, which is a peak since the start of the vaccination. 31,000 of them have received the first injection, breaking the single-day vaccination record. A total of 1.5 million people have received at least one injection. One stitch.

Today there are another 25,000 appointments for injections.

The government announced that yesterday (4th) another 14 people were unwell after the injection and were sent to hospital. All conditions are stable. 4 of them stayed in the hospital, 2 of them ignored the doctor's recommendation to be discharged on their own, and the remaining 8 people have been discharged. Details of the side effects of 14 people are not yet known.

The government updated the vaccination information in the evening. In the past 24 hours as of 8 pm tonight, a total of 50,383 people were vaccinated, setting a peak in the past 100 days. Among them, 31,383 received the first injection, a record high in a single day, including 11,869 people receiving the vaccine. Xing, 19,514 people received Fubitai; as for the second injection, there were 19,000 people, including 5,521 people who were vaccinated with Kexing and 13,479 people were vaccinated with Fubitai.

Cumulatively, more than 1.5 million people have received at least one injection, and 1.094 million people have received two injections. The total dose of vaccination reached 2.598 million.

▼See the details of the scheduled vaccination and side effects of Kexing and BioNTech in the three pictures▼

Today, another 25,300 people made appointments for the first and second shots, including 9,500 people who made appointments for Kexing and 15,800 people who made appointments for Fubitai.

In addition, the authorities continue not to disclose the details of the hospital after the injection, but only revealed that 14 people were unwell after the injection yesterday (4th). All of them were in stable condition. Among them, 4 were kept in the hospital for observation and 2 were discharged without following the doctor’s advice. , The remaining 8 people have been discharged from hospital.

▼The age threshold for injections is lowered, and the young people are vaccinated with Kexing vaccine▼

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New crown pneumonia new crown vaccine vaccine China Kexing vaccine vaccination BioNTech Fubitai vaccine Fubitai vaccine new crown vaccine side effects

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