The Limited Times

"You were a godsend for Berg"

8/16/2021, 5:11:24 AM

The municipality of Berg thanked its former mayor Rupert Monn for his 20 years of service in the municipality and passed eleven long-term councilors with a delay, but no less from the heart.

The municipality of Berg thanked its former mayor Rupert Monn for his 20 years of service in the municipality and passed eleven long-term councilors with a delay, but no less from the heart.


- That was a real festival that the Berger town hall organized for its former boss. Around 70 current and former municipal councilors, mayors, district administrators, representatives of institutions and other companions as well as the whole family of former mayor Rupert Monn paid tribute to his services to the municipality of Berg and the district. At the ceremony on Friday evening in the Gasthaus Post in Aufkirchen, all the projects that Monn brought to a close or at least initiated - and there are many. Mayor Rupert Steigenberger awarded him the gold medal for his work. Steigenberger said goodbye to and honored eleven departed councilors that evening: Stefan Mair (one year), Julia Galloth (six years), Elke Grundmann, Dr. Peter Haslbeck, Richard Fink (every twelve years), Hermann Reichart,Robert Wammetsberger (both 18 years old), Anke Sokolowski (19 years old), Ludwig Haseneder (20 years old), Franz Gastl-Pischetsrieder (24 years old) and Anton Galloth (27 years old).


Special award: Mayor Rupert Steigenberger (left) presented former Mayor Rupert Monn with the gold medal. 

© Dagmar Rutt

At the beginning, Steigenberger completed a Monn project himself: He asked Pastor Albert Zott to bless the chain of office that his predecessor had acquired at the end of his term of office.

The chain of office was a project that was important to Monn, but had little impact on the community.

The wind turbines, the Etztal residential center, the sports complex in Berg-Nord, two industrial areas in Höhenrain, the demolition of the mortar tower, the renovation of the through-roads in Berg, Allmannshausen and Farchach and the accommodation of asylum seekers are much more radiant.


Reunion of old and new local politicians: Richard Fink, Ludwig Haseneder, Stefan Monn, Martin Klostermeier, Dr.

Peter Haslbeck and Michael Friedinger (from left)

© Dagmar Rutt

Monn entered the local council in 1984 and became mayor in 2000.

“The citizens placed their trust in you for 20 years,” said Steigenberger.

"For 36 years, more than half of your life you have put in the service of the community." In addition, Monn was the mayor's spokesman and the chairman of the wastewater association, and he is still a district councilor.

However, Steigenberger described something completely different as his greatest achievement: "The arrival of peace in the municipal council."

Former Landrat Karl Roth underlined the "mutual respect and appreciation, so that we have achieved a lot together".

He valued Monn as a “politician who can also laugh at himself from time to time”.

Roth's successor, Stefan Frey, listed what defines the “thoroughbred local politician” Monn: “Unity, modesty, respectability and honorable work - this has made you a good mayor and you have always remained human.”

Second Mayor Andreas Hlavaty interrupted the series of laudations with a joke: “After all the miracles that have occurred in Berg over the last 20 years, a call came from the Vatican: You are thinking about the beatification of a living person, that happens very rarely . "Then he got serious and said:" You were a stroke of luck for the Berg community - thank you very much. "


The grandchildren (from left) Maria (6), Anna (9), Josef (1.5), Jakob (13), Theresa (11) and Benedikt (8) now have time with their grandpa. 

© Dagmar Rutt

When the honoree himself spoke, the evening was well advanced.

“I am overwhelmed and almost speechless because of the honor and attentions.

I blush with shame at so many words that you normally only hear at funerals. ”It was never his goal in life to become mayor.

“It was God's decree that I could turn my hobby, local politics, into a job.

It was a calling. ”He thanked his family, who had to do without him and“ were taken into kin custody for sensitive issues ”.

He thanked everyone he worked with and then said in a tearful voice, “I'm a little proud to have been your mayor.

God bless it. "

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