The Limited Times

Opinion | Europe as a warning sign Israel today

4/3/2022, 10:37:57 PM

The philosopher Shantel Dalsul wrote that France "refuses to define who its enemy is. For the elite there is only human civilization. The definition of the enemy is an attack on progress."

A few days after the horrific attack on the Batcalan concert hall in Paris in November 2015, a hallucinatory television moment occurred: while demonstrating "Victim Support," a father and child were interviewed for a local channel's camera.

The boy told a journalist that "now we will have to move to another country."

The embarrassed father was quick to reply: "Do not worry, we will not move. France is our country."

To which the boy replied, "But there are wicked people here."

"There are wicked people everywhere," the father replied in an attempt to reassure.

"But they have guns," the boy replied.

"We have flowers, and candles," continued the father, who tried his best to explain to his child against guns, murderous terror and abysmal hatred, the winning answer is laying flowers in the town square and lighting memorial candles.

This father did not think he could, for example, say to his sweet son, simply: "Do not worry, my son, we also have guns. We will not let these bad people defeat us and we will pursue them until we get them."

In his fascinating book The Strange Death of Europe (Oatmeal Publishing), Douglas Murray describes the deadly encounter between radical Islam and guilt-ridden European progressiveness.

It is also astonishing to demonstrate the complete disconnect between the elites of government and the media and the attitudes of the majority of the public in the face of the huge waves of immigration from Muslim countries, and their implications for the daily routine of the inhabitants.

In the end, he comes to the obvious conclusion: when the host does not present a clear identity, ideological vision, confidence in the rightness of the way and a willingness to fight for all these - the guest equipped with copious portions of ideology will destroy any attempt to fulfill an innocent multicultural vision.

This was well described by the philosopher Delsol, when he wrote that France "refuses to define who its enemy is ... for the elite, it is impossible to think that today there is a battle between civilizations, since there is only one: human civilization. If in some parts of the world we do not believe .

Delsol goes on to explain how these dreams in aspemia not only fail to deal with reality, but further ignite the fire.

Happily, in our tiny country these spirits are still cast by the majority of the wise public.

We are not afraid to call the enemy by his name - Islamic terrorism - and we know very well that in front of him, flowers and candles will not be useful.

This mental health stems from many factors, related to our past as well as the unique vision of the future for the Jewish people: we are a nation whose history - from Abraham our father to contemporary Zionism - has only strengthened his vision, his adherence to purpose.

The IDF remains in our eyes an army of the people, and we are proud of it and its soldiers to no end. Sovereignty is not a bad word for us, our anthem does speak of hope but we understand that for fulfilling that two thousand year old hope, we must live on our sword, and not indulge in dangerous utopias.

But, unfortunately, there are nests of complete misunderstanding of reality here too, in our country surrounded by enemies.

People who believe wholeheartedly that "hungry and thirsty people turn to terrorism," that "the State of Israel has neglected the Bedouin."

As if the enemy is neglect.

Post-colonial Europe is trying its best to erase all ideology, and even that for faith - unless it is the religion of Islam.

The result, which we have foreseen in recent years, is that churches are being emptied and mosques are filling up.

We, here in Israel, are light years away from the situation there, thank God.

But one must not fall asleep on guard and one must remain well aware of the slippery slope to which European leaders rejoice.

To be on the right side of history is simply to adhere to our values, not to be afraid to believe in the righteousness of our absolute way, and by virtue of this to fight the enemy without compromise, and most importantly - without apology.

Were we wrong?


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