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Opinion | Yesha also deserves a future | Israel Today


It is time for the future of the communities in Judea and Samaria to be determined in a long-term strategy, and not in endless struggles for the convening of a yeshiva where crumbs are thrown

It is possible that the protest of the heads of the authorities in the Yesha Council over the current construction freeze will bear fruit, and the MTA committee will convene for further approval of housing units.

But Bell was wrong: this good news, if you will, is not good news that symbolizes a solution to the crisis and the success of the protest, but quite the opposite.

It will be an expression of the depth of the crisis.

The settlement in Judea and Samaria and in Gush Etzion, as well as in Binyamin and the Jordan Valley, from which the chairman of the Yesha Council comes, developed patch by patch throughout its early years.

Another hill and another outpost, another trailer and another outpost.

A stubborn struggle for the ability to hold on to the land and develop the settlements into a significant and critical mass, which will establish facts on the ground.

In Gush Katif, the struggle failed.

In the rest of the area it is in full swing.

We live from one MTA meeting that is postponed - to another, which is also postponed. An endless pursuit of more approval and more protest.

Just for the sake of illustration: As head of the council I have invested many years of effort to promote the construction of 350 housing units in Beit El.

Far beyond what is required within the Green Line.

At the previous MTA meeting, they were approved in the final procedure, that is, it is possible to set off and release the tractors to storm the area. The winning messages of the right-wingers in the left-wing government came out loud.

But not a single housing unit has been built since, and no housing unit will be built in the near future either.

A military base is sitting on the ground, and the Ministry of Defense refuses to evacuate it.

Eye-catching and more bureaucracy and procedure, with no set deadline, while no Palestinian housing unit seeks a single permit, but establishes facts on the ground.

Beit El, one of the oldest localities, will celebrate 45 years of existence in its current location next year.

The time has come for the future of the locality, like that of all the localities in Judea and Samaria, to be determined in an orderly work plan for the coming years, and not in endless struggles for the convening of a yeshiva where crumbs are thrown.

Settlement beyond the Green Line needs a long-term strategy.

With all due respect to the repeated protests, we need to start thinking about a fundamental change in terms of the basis of legitimacy on which the settlement in Judea and Samaria sits.

Worry about a future that is beyond a few months ahead.

Creating a reality of construction flow and a life cycle that lives by itself, and does not require endless resuscitation operations.

The future of settlement depends on the creation of a reality of construction, which guarantees housing units for the next generation, and for those who wish to join within a reasonable and reasonable time frame.

We believe, with all our hearts, that these parts of the country are an integral part of the State of Israel;

That our right to this land begins in Beit El long before it begins in Tel Aviv.

This must be expressed in an unequivocal demand for the same building and development rights, as well as for the other rights of the citizens of the State of Israel.

We are not second-class citizens, and we live in these places to begin with, not in retrospect.

It is time for the state to treat us accordingly.

It's time to dump her and move on.

Were we wrong?


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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-04-05

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