The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: the challenges of the first round for each candidate

4/10/2022, 5:15:55 AM

Duel for first place between Macron and Le Pen, accession to the second round for Mélenchon, battle for 3rd or 4th place between Zemmour and

It is soon time for shattered hopes and liberating joys.

This Sunday evening at 8 p.m., the twelve candidates will finally know the results that will settle months of campaigning.

And the possibility of continuing it for two short weeks for two suitors at the Élysée.

If several of them can dream of being in the second round, each pursues different objectives.

Emmanuel Macron: reach the first place

For Emmanuel Macron, the challenge of this first round is clear and clear: finish in the lead on Sunday evening, qualified in the second round and, if possible, far ahead of his competitors.

For a long time, the former minister of François Hollande raced at the top of the polls before being gradually overtaken by Marine Le Pen.

He was rated at 26.5% in our Ipsos-Sopra Steria opinion poll for Le Parisien - Today in France and Franceinfo on Friday and hopes to beat his 2017 score of 24.01%.

Emmanuel Macron justified his late entry into the campaign by his international schedule and the war in Ukraine.

In recent days, on condition of anonymity, several of his supporters are worried about the dynamics of the patron of the National Rally and a potential anti-Macron vote.

Marine Le Pen: overtaking Emmanuel Macron

The first objective of Marine Le Pen, in big progress in the opinion polls, remains the qualification for the second round.

The one who was credited with 23% of voting intentions in our last poll on Friday – 3.5 points behind Emmanuel Macron – would also like to beat the outgoing president to the post by finishing in first place.

But this ambition remains measured in the face of the risk that some of its voters will abstain.

She therefore hammers home the need to mobilize from meeting to travel.

If she got first or second place, the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen would also win her duel with Éric Zemmour.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon: not just being the “third man”

The “sagacious turtle”, his totem animal, has already created a surprise, repeating more or less his 2017 campaign trajectory. For the time being, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the third man in this campaign in terms of voting intentions (at 16.5%).

But he hopes to widen his “mouse hole” and reach the second round of the presidential election, which he had missed by “600,000 votes” in 2017, according to his devoted expression.

To make his dream accessible, the tribune wants to embody the "useful vote" of his political family, the left, and fights against abstention which, as for Marine Le Pen, could weaken it.

Éric Zemmour: making the polls lie

In recent hours, his supporters have launched a major offensive against the polls, which are not worth polling.

Their wrong?

Evaluate their champion neck and neck with Valérie Pécresse, at 9%.

So the Zemmourians are counting on a “hidden vote” which would send Éric Zemmour to the second round, his initial objective.

If the hopes are somewhat showered on this side, the ex-polemicist still hopes to overtake Jean-Luc Mélenchon and win his duel with Valérie Pécresse to “weigh” more in the post-presidential landscape.

Valérie Pécresse: double Eric Zemmour

It seems far away, François Fillon's third place in 2017 (20%).

A long ordeal, attacks and doubts, but a certain resistance: the campaign of Valérie Pécresse will not have been easy.

If it is now likely that the Republican candidate will not reach the second round, she would save honor – and perhaps her party – by finishing third on Sunday evening.

Still it would be necessary to take off on Éric Zemmour and overtake Jean-Luc Mélenchon…

Yannick Jadot: make more than 5%

The ecologist had a boulevard, but he never took off in the voting intentions.

Becalmed at 5-6%, Yannick Jadot already hopes to secure this score to guarantee the reimbursement of his campaign, which cost nearly 6 million euros.

The most important in the history of ecologists.

And why not grab a few more points to overtake Valérie Pécresse.

But, in recent days, the morale of the troops was not optimistic.

Fabien Roussel: standing in front of the socialists

An eternity - since 1969 - that the communists had not taken the advantage on the socialists at the time of a presidential election!

So Fabien Roussel, credited with 3%, wants to transform the test.

And nibble as many votes as possible from Jean-Luc Mélenchon, his best enemy on the left.

Anne Hidalgo: obtaining reimbursement for her campaign

His campaign is a shipwreck.

For months, the socialist has been flirting with the depths of the ranking in voting intentions (2.5%).

The challenge for her now is to obtain reimbursement for her campaign, by reaching the 5% mark, which already seems like a distant mirage.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Jean Lassalle: to exist

For Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, this may be the “last campaign”.

For Jean Lassalle, it's a “shitty campaign”.

These two atypical personalities, sometimes bordering on conspiracy, seek above all to exist and to bring their “anti-system” lines to life.

They are gauged at 3%.

Philippe Poutou and Nathalie Arthaud: in the absence of a big night, a large audience

The two Trotskyist candidates know that the big night is not for Sunday.

But their participation in the ballot

allows them, as with each presidential election, to bring their ideas to life by taking advantage of a media platform, which is rarer outside the election period.

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