The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: with Marine Le Pen, "the true face of the far right returns", estimates Emmanuel Macron

4/13/2022, 6:40:54 AM

Invited to France 2, the president-candidate strongly attacked his opponent Marine Le Pen. No doubt, Emmanuel Macron is in the campaign. Invited to France 2 this morning, the presidential candidate strongly criticized his opponent Marine Le Pen. To discover LIVE - Presidential election: follow the start of the second round campaign Presidential 2022: find here the result of the first round of the election Second round: compare the programs of Macron and Le Pen Read alsoPresidential 2

No doubt, Emmanuel Macron is in the campaign.

Invited to France 2 this morning, the presidential candidate strongly criticized his opponent Marine Le Pen.

To discover

  • LIVE - Presidential election: follow the start of the second round campaign

  • Presidential 2022: find here the result of the first round of the election

  • Second round: compare the programs of Macron and Le Pen

Read alsoPresidential 2022: the president-candidate raises his voice against Marine Le Pen

Yesterday, while she was traveling in the Eure, the candidate of the National Rally denounced the president's "attacks on democracy".

During a press conference centered on the theme of "

the exercise of power

", Marine Le Pen presented her proposals for constitutional reforms.

In this context, the MP mentioned the idea of ​​a

"referendum revolution".

In short, the regular use of the citizens' initiative referendum.

Presiding through referendums?

Emmanuel Macron, guest on France 2, dismissed the idea.

We cannot change our constitution by direct referendum.


When Madame Le Pen says: ''I will change the constitution without respecting the rules, I will go through a referendum even if the constitution forbids me to do so''.


“Before continuing:”

When we have a constitution, we respect the rules, otherwise it means, under the pretext of being elected by the people, that we can no longer subscribe to texts that are beyond us.

This is what can lead us to manipulate.



It's a face that does not respect freedoms


During her press conference yesterday, Marine Le Pen agreed to exclude journalists from “


” on TMC from her campaign events.

“I am at home at my HQ, in my movement.

I decide

,” she said.

A position that Emmanuel Macron regretted this morning: "

We have the beginning of an authoritarian drift


Before deploring: "

this recipe which consists in changing the Constitution by hand, under the pretext of consulting the people, which consists in choosing the journalists, which consists in telling us on the same day 'Me, to reconsider the death penalty, I am not against''.

The president believes that, "

despite all efforts

", "

the true face of the far right is coming back: it is a face that does not respect freedoms, the constitutional framework, the independence of the press and the freedoms fundamental, hard-won rights that are at the heart of our values, such as the abolition of the death penalty.


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