The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron wins hands down

4/24/2022, 9:51:28 PM

The outgoing head of state won the second round of the presidential election on Sunday. Marine Le Pen is doing better than in 2017.

Emmanuel Macron has won his bet.

Advancing at the foot of the Eiffel Tower surrounded by children, he celebrated Sunday in Paris his reappointment to the Elysée for the next five years.

With 58.5% of the vote, according to estimates which were to be refined overnight, the Head of State is invited by the French to register his action over time.

What his predecessors, François Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing had failed to do.

As for Jacques Chirac and François Mitterrand, they had only been re-elected by universal suffrage after living together.

To discover

  • YOUR COMMUNE - The results of the second round of the presidential election in your area

  • LIVE - 2022 Presidential Results: Macron re-elected, follow the election night here

It was from the presidential palace that Emmanuel Macron learned of the results before joining the Champ-de-Mars, carried by

The Hymn to Joy.

Symbol of the European Union, of which he wants to be the fervent defender.

“The years to come, for sure, will not be quiet, but they will be historic”

, he launched in front of his supporters, accompanied on the platform by the first lady, Brigitte Macron.

Jean Castex, many ministers as well as Édouard Philippe, Manuel Valls and François Bayrou were present to celebrate his victory.

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By waving tricolor and European flags, the activists expressed their relief that the voters do not give their confidence to Marine Le Pen, despite a strategy of demonization pushed to its climax.

“We will have to be benevolent and respectful, because our country is steeped in so many doubts and divisions”,

observed Emmanuel Macron, who spoke by telephone with the candidate of the RN.

“This vote binds me for the years to come”

The MP for Pas-de-Calais obtained 41.5% of the vote.

It's much better than in 2017, when the two rivals had already faced each other.

It progresses by nearly 8 points


With some symbolic successes.

Particularly in the West Indies (69.6% in Guadeloupe and 60.9% in Martinique), where Marine Le Pen has largely imposed itself.

Far from the hostility it has long aroused.

Meager satisfaction for the finalist, who spoke from the Pavillon d'Armenonville, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.

“A great wind of freedom could have risen over the country.

The fate of the ballot box, which I respect, wanted it otherwise (…) The ideas that we represent reach new heights one evening in the second round of the presidential election”

, she declared in front of her family.


"a brilliant victory"


We will have to be kind and respectful, because our country is steeped in so many doubts and divisions

Emmanuel Macron

The result of the presidential election is part of a context of a decline of about 2 points in participation, estimated at nearly 72% nationally according to Ifop.

In addition to a lackluster campaign, the school holidays deterred some voters from moving.

There were hardly any crowds in certain departments.

Like Seine-Saint-Denis, where the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon have long wondered about the choice to be made in the absence of their champion.

“In 2017, I was convinced of my choice in the second round but this time not at all

,” observed Oumar, a 55-year-old man, supporter of the Insoumis.

Despite his reluctance and after considering abstaining, he finally decided to vote to


Marine Le Pen.

To these voters who acted in this way, the president-elect sent his thanks, judging that

"this vote obliges him for the years to come"


“I am the custodian of their sense of duty, of their attachment to the Republic

,” he said.

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It is now up to Emmanuel Macron to respond to the major challenges facing him.

In the next few days, he will have to appoint a new prime minister while preparing for the June legislative elections.

He warned that he wanted to compose an enlarged majority.

It remains to know the basis that the French will give him to govern throughout this new five-year term.

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