The Limited Times

Opinion | Caution! "Traitors" Campaign Ahead Israel today

5/9/2022, 8:36:24 PM

Encouraged and led by a Likud activist, known from the "traitorous leftists" campaign, the prime minister was called a "traitor" and a "rag" • This silence sharpens the feeling that there is an organized campaign

There is an organized attack on the prime minister, and the bells should ring.

On the last day of remembrance, Bennett said that "bereaved families are sacred."

Maimonides said that there is holiness only in Gd, but it is difficult to speak of the sanctity of those who took advantage of this important status. One, and exploiting such status for a “betrayal” campaign is a horrifying and dangerous thing.

Equally dangerous is the silence of Likud leaders.

This silence sharpens the sense that there is an organized campaign.

One hand directs the attack on government ministers and its head;

One hand directs the marking of the "leftists" as traitors;

One hand directs the signs "Want a Jewish government! Enough of the shameful government!"

Emerging in cities on the periphery;

Naftali Bennett is very far from my views, and is not part of the political camp I am connected to, but the attack on him endangers us all.

It might pay off politically.

That this pressure, which collapsed Idit Silman who fled to the arms of the Nazis, would collapse the entire government.

Is what pays off politically what pays off for Israeli society as a whole?

Is the supreme consideration facing our leaders the good of Israeli society or the good of their power and political status?

The move that marks "traitors", and which brought us to a terrible break in 1995, is also an expression of a global phenomenon.

Political polarization is at its peak.

Dr. Micha Goodman sees the medium as a backdrop for polarization in the United States, Brazil, Hungary and other democracies.

Our digital communications corporations "mine" our attention and sell it at a great price.

To encourage us to sink into network addiction, they produce closed bubbles that pump out what we think anyway.

They prefer messages of rage and hatred, because that is what catches our attention.

It causes us to confuse what is known with what is right, it causes us to hate our political "enemies", instead of listening and arguing with those who think differently.

The result is uniformity of thought and zero curiosity.

If a decade ago Democrats and Republicans in the US had about 40% of the views that characterize the opposing camp, today the number has dropped to 5%. We are at war, and our attention is focused on one political identity and not open to interest in others. From us as "wrong", today he is "delusional".

I was recently interviewed by Channel 14 and talked about the need to be guided by considerations of "peace ways".

I quoted the late Rabbi Unterman, the third Chief Rabbi of Israel, as one of the leaders of religious Zionism.

Immediately after the broadcast I received an expected phone call explaining to me how "sad" she was to hear these things.

My insistence on living in Sderot and listening to my "rival" brothers, the insistence on writing on right-wing platforms, all of these are part of the attempt to burst the bubble that drives us all away and makes the political debate particularly dangerous for Israeli democracy.

Were we wrong?


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