The Limited Times

The Jerusalem bar "The Blaze" reopens and turns into a gaming bar - voila! The gaming channel

7/27/2022, 7:56:32 AM

After the publication of its expected closure, the owners of the gaming company Capricia Productions decided to purchase the place and turn it into a cultural institution of "gaming and heavy rock"

The Jerusalem bar "The Blaze" reopens and becomes a gaming bar

After the publication of its expected closure, the owners of the gaming company Capricia Productions decided to purchase the place and turn it into a cultural institution of "gaming and heavy rock"

The gaming channel system


Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 10:50 a.m. Updated: 10:51 a.m.

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After it was announced last month that the "Blaze" pub in Jerusalem would close, a decision was made to keep the place open, thanks to two Jerusalem entrepreneurs who bought it:

Arnold Nassis and Ben

Shmoelof , from

Capricia Productions

, which developed the narrative-musical game Of Birds and Cage.

The developer started out as a metal band, which grew out of "Blaze", and became, over the years, a music-based computer game company.

Arnold Nassis noted: "Both Ben and I both grew up in Jerusalem and specifically in Blaise, which was always home for us, as it was for so many musicians," Nassis shares.

"My friends and I have been friends for quite a few years, we played together in a band and at the time I ran a music center for youth in Talfiot Mizrah and I used to organize festivals of youth bands in Blaise. Ben would also play there a lot and go to evening jams and such.

According to the two, the Blaze is not planned to undergo drastic changes: "It will remain in the same place and with the same "soul", only that we will add the spirit of our company and turn it into a gaming and heavy rock bar. At the end of the day, we really want to leave the place as it was , but to add the twist of gaming to it and to bring the character of our company both in terms of the "vibe" and in terms of the crowd and ways of working for the bar. But the most important thing is that it be open and remain a proud Jerusalem symbol of rock, gaming and fringe culture."

The Jerusalem Blaze has reopened and will be branded gaming for the Jerusalem community and the surrounding area (Photo: PR)

In the bar, they will be able to find art (hand-drawn) related to gaming and music on the walls and tables, game consoles that people can play on, "geek" cocktails related to games and the world of fantasy, live performances, heavy rock music (as it has been until now), board games (at noon), Meetings, lectures and hackathons of game developers, jams of musicians and more.

Arnold Nesis continued: "I feel very lucky to have an amazing partner like Ben who when I called to offer him this 'far-fetched' idea, to save Blaze, he offered me the exact same thing before I could even ask. And you know what? I'm proud that we can do it. We've always done things 'our own way' - we learned that spirit in Blaise. Home and friends are two things that are always worth fighting for. This is at least one battle we'll win and that's great."

Blaze's reopening event at the beginning of August (Photo: Public Relations)

  • The gaming channel

  • the magazine


  • Gaming

  • Blaise

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