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Rishi Sunak was appointed by King Charles as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - voila! news

10/25/2022, 11:20:37 AM

The world congratulated Sunak and in India they emphasized the irony that an Indian man would lead a country that previously ruled India with a heavy hand: "My congratulations to the 'living bridge' of the British Indians," said India's Prime Minister Modi

Rishi Sunak was appointed by King Charles as Prime Minister of Great Britain

The world congratulated Sunak and in India they emphasized the irony that an Indian man would lead a country that previously ruled India with a heavy hand: "My congratulations to the 'living bridge' of the British Indians," said India's Prime Minister Modi

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Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 11:49 a.m. Updated: 2:10 p.m.

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Rishi Sonak is the new Prime Minister of Great Britain (Reuters)

Rishi Sunak, the former finance minister, met today (Tuesday) with King Charles III at Buckingham Palace and officially became, at the age of 42, the youngest leader of the United Kingdom in more than two centuries.

Sunak made a statement outside Downing 10 saying that his first priority was to restore trust in British politics and that the public came first.

"I will place economic stability and trust at the heart of this government's agenda. This means that hard labor is expected to be received," Sunak said.

"I want to point out my predecessor in the position Liz Truss. She was not wrong in that she wanted to improve growth in the country. This is a noble goal. I admire her determination to create change. But mistakes were made - not with bad intent, on the contrary. But mistakes were still made. I was elected leader My party is partial to correcting them," added the new prime minister.

Earlier, Lis Truss held her last cabinet meeting in a tenure that lasted only 44 days.

She met with King Charles at Buckingham Palace afterwards to formally tender her resignation to him.

Leaders around the world yesterday congratulated Sunak on his victory and becoming Britain's first non-white prime minister.

According to the President of the United States, Joe Biden, "Sunak is expected to become prime minister. It's quite amazing. A significant milestone, and that's important."

Rishi Sonak today at Downing 10 (Photo: Reuters)

King Charles III (Photo: Reuters)

India celebrated the news that the son of Indian immigrants would become the Prime Minister of Britain.

Many have highlighted the irony of an Indian man running a country that once ruled India with a heavy hand.

On the television channel "New Delhi Television" a banner was shown at the bottom of the screen that read "Son of India shines above the empire" while the newspaper "Times of India" read the headline "Britain welcomes Rishi Raj on Diwali".

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent his "warmest greetings" to Sunak and said he looked forward to "working together on global issues."

"A Diwali greeting to the 'Living Bridge' of British Indians, at a time when our historic relationship is changing into a modern partnership," he added.

Sanjay Chandranana, president of the Vedic Society Hindu temple in South Hampton, which Sunak's grandfather founded in 1971, told the PA news agency that Sunak still attends the temple regularly.

"I am sure that as soon as he becomes prime minister, he will come to the temple to pray, I know it will happen."

He added that "It's a moment of pride, the whole temple is excited, many people show their pictures with Rishi after he was here last time and took a picture with everyone who was in the temple - 300 people.

"It's a 'Barack Obama' moment of Britain, when a non-white person became For a Prime Minister for the first time, especially since he is of Indian origin and a Hindu believer.

It adds another dimension to the celebration," he said.

More in Walla!

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To the full article

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Sunak (Photo: Reuters)

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, tweeted his wishes at night and emphasized that Brussels and London face the same challenges.

"Working together is the only way to face common challenges, and stability is a key factor in overcoming them."

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte wished Sonak well as well.

Last week he said that Truss' successor would be the fifth British leader he would work with.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Betel, who has been in power since 2013, said: "I hope I can remember how many British Prime Ministers I have survived."

Australia's finance minister Jim Chalmers called Sunak a great friend of the country and noted the importance of a prime minister of Asian descent in Britain.

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