The Limited Times

Yair Netanyahu: "The demonstrators are terrorists"; The heads of the protest organizations: "He should be prosecuted" | Israel today

3/3/2023, 1:00:14 PM

The Prime Minister's son referred to the demonstrations against the legal revolution and expressed himself in extremes • The leaders of the protests said in response: "This is a dangerous incitement against all the citizens of the country who are not ready to live in a dictatorship"

The demonstrations against the legal revolution received harsh reactions from the right side of the political map, but Yair Netanyahu, the son of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu escalated and called the demonstrators "terrorists".

Those in response said "We will turn to the law authorities in order to prosecute him".

The young Netanyahu tweeted yesterday (Thursday) on his Twitter account and wrote: "They are not protesting. They are not anarchists either. They are terrorists! A violent underground has arisen here (financed by criminal and evil billionaires). This is about Domestic Terrorism. Even if it takes time, in the end They will be prosecuted for all their crimes in the years 2016-2023."

Demonstration against the legal reform in front of the President's House in Jerusalem // Photo: Yoni Rickner

The leaders of the struggle against the legal revolution responded to the words of and said: Those who called for the execution of judges and attorneys are now calling pilots, senior officers, heads of security systems, leaders of Israeli hi-tech, doctors, student mothers and children - terrorists.

This is a dangerous incitement against all citizens of the country who are not willing to live in a dictatorship.

We will turn to the law authorities on Sunday to investigate and prosecute the instigator.

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