The Limited Times

Violent explosion in Beauvais on the roof of a building

7/23/2023, 9:42:06 AM

Highlights: An explosion occurred around 20 p.m. on the roof of the residence La Mie au Roy, in the Saint-Lucien district, rue Brulet. The four-storey building was engulfed in flames when the blast was heard. Forty firefighters intervened in front of the stunned gaze of the occupants and neighbors who all, laptops in hand, filmed the disaster. The residents of the top floor had to be rehoused, the others were able to return to their homes during the evening.

On Saturday, in the early evening, a violent explosion sounded in Beauvais. It came from a building located between the Saint-Lucien district.

In Beauvais, many residents heard a "huge boom" early Saturday evening. On social networks, everyone shares their concern. Esteban felt "the shock wave 500 m away". Aurore, in Beauséjour, also heard and even felt vibrations.

An explosion occurred around 20 p.m. on the roof of the residence La Mie au Roy, in the Saint-Lucien district, rue Brulet. The four-storey building was engulfed in flames when the blast was heard. The surroundings were immediately cordoned off by the police. An impressive system was quickly put in place to contain the fire. Forty firefighters intervened in front of the stunned gaze of the occupants and neighbors who all, laptops in hand, filmed the disaster.

A gas cylinder reportedly exploded

One resident said she was absent but her window exploded. "He was reinsulating the roof. A priori, the welding machine caught fire and gas cylinders exploded. Firefighters did find debris from a gas cylinder scattered around the building, but it will be up to the police to confirm the real origin of this explosion. The intervention lasted just over three hours. Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire with a hose and then had to clear the site materials that had ignited to prevent any new fire. The last checks were made shortly after 22 p.m. with the services of EDF and GRDF.

Beauvais, Saturday night. Firefighters responded for nearly three hours. The residents of the top floor had to be rehoused, the others were able to return to their homes during the evening. (Sdis 60)

While the fire was impressive, it did not cause a heavy human toll. Indeed, only one person was taken to the hospital for minor injuries. "Two tenants who lived on the top floor had to be rehoused. The other occupants were able to return to their apartment in the evening, "confirms the departmental fire and rescue service of the Oise (Sdis 60).

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