The Limited Times

Redeemer Will was hospitalized | Israel today

1/2/2020, 7:56:15 PM


Former cult leader sentenced to 30 years in prison underwent medical procedure for which he was admitted to Beilinson Hospital • IPS members secure the room in which he is staying

  • Hospitalized in Beilinson. Will // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Patients hospitalized at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva and visitors visiting the area have recently encountered prison service personnel in one of the departments, which secure a certain room. Israel Today has learned that anyone who has been accompanied is none other than the convicted felon and former cult leader, 69-year-old Savior Will.

Will was hospitalized a week ago at Beilinson Hospital for the benefit of a planned medical procedure following a medical problem diagnosed with his body. He underwent the medical procedure and is now being hospitalized for several days' recovery in a hospital for follow-up, the prison service said.

In 2014, he was convicted of polygamy, rape, prohibited consent, and other sexual offenses he committed against the women who lived with him in a cult he founded in southern Tel Aviv as well as against some of his daughters. The court sentenced him to 30 years in prison.

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