The Limited Times

The impressive photos of the attack of a Boa Lampalagua on a cougar and a shelter in Salta

2/29/2020, 8:39:09 PM

Four country laborers came across this scene as they headed to their workplace. Among four intervened to save the cat.

02/29/2020 - 12:18

  • Clarí
  • Dresses

Four pawns traveled on one of the internal roads of the field where they work. Suddenly a strange silhouette caught their attention. The driver slowed down and approached slowly. When they were located a few meters away, they totally stopped the vehicle and were able to distinguish what was happening: a boa lampalagua had a Yaguarundi cougar, which looked delivered.

This happened in a stay near the town of Las Lajitas, in Salta. The men, seeing that the boa was about to kill the cougar, decided to intervene. " They could not think of more than helping the Yaguarundi ," the park ranger Sole Rojas explained to Clarin, who was responsible for spreading the images on social networks. As he explained, the heroes were shocked to see this battle and immediately decided to act: "Between two people they developed the lampalagua and were able to free the Jaguarundi." Of course it was not easy: "4 people participated in the liberation".

In addition to the difficulty involved in fighting against the powerful "hug" of the boa, this rescue was very dangerous: "It is always a risk," said Rojas, although he immediately clarified: "The country people know how to handle wild animals and the lampalagua does not it's poisonous . "

"Between two people they developed the lampalagua and were able to free the Jaguarundi," said the park ranger.

Rojas shared on his Facebook account the photos sent to him by the workers of an agricultural company while developing their field work . And they quickly went viral on social networks.

Lampalagua was about to kill the cougar.

The park ranger, who works in the Pizarro National Reserve, is characterized by constantly publishing this kind of photos to defend the care of animals. "I am always spreading images of wildlife rescue to raise awareness about the importance of conservation . Since it is very common here and it is well seen to hunt. That's why I get photos of this type"

The men intervened to save the cat.

In addition, Rojas said that in that area there are three national parks: "We have El Rey National Park, the Pizarro National Reserve and the Los Palmares Nature Reserve."

Boa does not attack men and is not poisonous.

The Yaguarundí, also called the Moorish cat, is a carnivorous mammal that lives in protected areas of Córdoba, San Luis, Entre Ríos, northern Argentina and some regions of Latin America.

It is larger than a domestic cat and resembling puma concolor, although smaller. As for its conservation status, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, it is a species under "minor concern".

Meanwhile, the lampalagua known as "boa constrictor occidentalis" , is one of the largest in Argentina and has a solitary and rather nocturnal behavior. It rarely attacks man, although its manipulation should always be done with caution given its tendency to bite when threatened or hungry. Lacking poison, it kills by constriction, and among its favorite foods appear lauchas and mice, vizcachas, small birds and lizards.

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