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What is a pandemic?

3/11/2020, 6:43:31 PM

Pandemics have been part of the history of mankind for centuries. The current coronavirus outbreak is already considered a pandemic.

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WHO declares coronavirus pandemic 1:49

(CNN) - The deadly pandemic of the new coronavirus has highlighted the science of the disease, raising the question: what exactly is a pandemic?

An outbreak is the occurrence of cases of diseases that exceed what is normally expected, according to the World Health Organization. An epidemic is more than a normal number of cases of illness, specific health-related behavior or other health-related events in a community or region.

However, a pandemic is defined as the "global spread" of a new disease.

The previous pandemic reported in the world was that of the H1N1 flu in 2009, which killed hundreds of thousands worldwide.

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The word "pandemic" comes from the Greek "pandemos", which means all. Demos means population. Bread means all. Therefore, “pandemos” is a concept in which there is a belief that the world's population is likely to be exposed to this infection and potentially a proportion of them would become ill, said Dr. Mike Ryan, chief executive officer, in February. from the agency's Health Emergencies Program, during a press conference with journalists.

As of Monday, March 9, CNN is using the term pandemic to describe the current outbreak of coronavirus because many epidemiologists and public health experts argued that the world is already experiencing a pandemic due to the new coronavirus. On March 11, the World Health Organization declared that the new outbreak of coronavirus is a pandemic.

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'Pandemics mean different things to different people'

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said earlier this month that there is no real scientific and definitive definition of what constitutes a pandemic.

"It really is borderline semantics, to be honest," Fauci said. "I think there could be people discussing each end," he said. "Pandemics mean different things to different people."

In general, WHO avoids declaring public health situations that are not influenza pandemics as pandemics. For flu, the term has been used to describe pandemic influenza preparedness.

Otherwise, WHO no longer uses an old system that involved describing phases of pandemic influenza ranging from the absence of reports of human infections to "a pandemic."

"This change came about because of the lessons learned from the H1N1 experience in 2009," WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said Tuesday.

For the new coronavirus, "our advice remains the same: Member States are strongly encouraged to establish plans based on national risk assessments of local circumstances, taking into account the information provided by WHO's global assessments", Jasarevic said.

Coronavirus: are we close to a global pandemic? 1:40

“Since then, we have seen cases, groups and outbreaks reported in several countries. Most of these cases, groups and outbreaks are traceable, which means that generalized community transmission is not evident. Some countries have even delayed or stopped the transmission. They must remain alert for the possibility of reintroduction. There will probably be more cases in more places, "Jasarevic said in his email.

"We are at a critical juncture in the outbreak," he said. “While we must continue efforts to contain COVID-19, focusing on strengthening surveillance, conducting thorough investigation of outbreaks to identify contacts and applying appropriate measures to prevent further spread, countries should also take this time to prepare for the possibility of a wider transmission. "

Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in February: “Ultimately, we hope to see a community spread in this country".

Businesses, schools, communities and families in the United States should prepare for the virus to interrupt their lives, he said. It's not about if, but when “and how many people in this country will have a serious illness,” he said.

“The fact that this virus has caused a disease, including a disease that has caused death, and a sustained spread from person to person is worrisome. These factors meet two of the criteria for a pandemic, ”said Messonnier. "As community spread is detected in more and more countries, the world is getting closer to meeting the third criterion: the global spread of the new virus."

Pandemics of the past

The pandemics have been part of the history of mankind for centuries, and one of the first in history dates back to 1580. Since then, at least four influenza pandemics occurred in the nineteenth century and three in the twentieth century, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC.

Outbreaks and pandemics that have alerted the world 3:16

The most serious pandemic in recent history was the 1918 flu pandemic, sometimes referred to as the "Spanish flu." It is estimated that the pandemic infected about 500 million people or a third of the world's population and killed about 50 million worldwide.

There is still some debate about where this H1N1 flu virus originated, but scientists have discovered that the virus had genes of avian origin. In other words, he had a connection to birds.

According to the CDC, more American soldiers died from the 1918 flu pandemic than those who died in battle during World War I in 1918. In 1919, the pandemic declined but the H1N1 virus continued to circulate seasonally for 38 years.

Then, in 1957, a new influenza A H2N2 virus emerged in East Asia, triggering a pandemic that is estimated to have killed 1.1 million worldwide and 116,000 in the United States. The virus was composed of genes that could be related to an avian influenza A virus, suggesting that it had a connection with the birds.

The virus was first reported in Singapore in February 1957, Hong Kong in April 1957, and in coastal cities in the United States in the summer of that year. However, its survival in the human population was short and the virus disappeared about a decade after its arrival. Some scientists suggest that it was supplanted by an H3N2 subtype.

In 1968, a pandemic caused by an H3N2 influenza virus that originated in China swept the world. That virus was made up of two genes from an avian influenza A virus, according to the CDC.

The virus was first observed in the United States in September 1968 and caused around 100,000 deaths throughout the country and 1 million worldwide. Most of the excess deaths were in adults over 65, according to the CDC.

The H3N2 virus continues to circulate globally as a seasonal influenza virus.

In the spring of 2009, a new influenza A H1N1 virus emerged. It was first detected in the United States and then quickly spread throughout the world.

The virus contained "a unique combination of influenza genes not previously identified in animals or people," according to the CDC. It was discovered that it was of porcine origin.

During that H1N1 pandemic, the CDC estimated that between 151,700 and 575,400 people died worldwide in the first year that the virus circulated. Worldwide, it is estimated that 80% of deaths occurred in people under 65.

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The World Health Organization declared the global H1N1 pandemic in August 2010, but the H1N1 virus continues to circulate as a seasonal influenza virus each year.

On the coronavirus, the world is in suspense. "This is unprecedented," wrote Dr. Tom Frieden, former CDC director, in an article published on in February.

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“Apart from influenza, no other respiratory virus has been traced from the emergency to the continuous worldwide spread. The last moderately severe influenza pandemics were in 1957 and 1968; each killed over a million people worldwide, ”Frieden wrote. "Although we are much more prepared than in the past, we are also much more interconnected, and many more people today have chronic health problems that make viral infections particularly dangerous."

Editor's Note: This article has been updated on March 11 following the declaration of a pandemic by WHO.

Elizabeth Cohen and Ben Tinker of CNN contributed to this report.


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