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Friday the 13th: only a superstitious will give a 10/10 to this test


QUIZ - Spilling wine, sneezing ... Certain banal gestures have given rise to superstitions. do you know them?

Should we fear Friday the 13th? Whenever this date appears in the calendar, it is stronger than us. We think, superstitions. Suddenly, spilling wine on a table, seeing a spider, crossing a black cat ... takes on a whole new meaning.

Luck and bad luck come to our table. Should we avoid passing the salt from hand to hand? Should we be afraid of breaking white glass? The author Laurence Caracalla lists these different superstitions very well in a funny little book "At the origins of the 100 superstitions that haunt or delight our daily lives".

Le Figaro offers to test your knowledge in this area. Do you dare to take our quiz?

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-03-13

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