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"The People Against the Disconnected"? The New Foundation Is Involved In The Independent Demonstrations | Israel today

5/5/2020, 9:33:02 PM


"Standing Together," an extreme left movement, which received more than a million shekels from the German government, contributes to demonstrations against the right • Independent organizations: "Foreigners cannot take over our protest" • "Standing together": "We will continue to fight"

An extreme left movement, which in recent years has received close to a million shekels in aggregate from the German government and the new Israel Fund, is involved in the demonstrations of the self-employed. The new fund contributes to the Standing Together organization, whose activists boast that we "organized the wave of protests" by the independents last night, entitled "Struggles Unite - The People Against the Disconnected." 

The symbol of the organization appears on the demonstration ad held at various points in the country - alongside the Independent Association, the Restaurant Association, the Ambulance Union and more. In a demonstration in Jerusalem, Moshe Padida, chairman of the Mahane Yehuda merchants' committee, repeated the "moving" remarks against Prime Minister Netanyahu, the hand that puts a ballot in the ballot box is the hand that will take you down. For a "demonstration of doctors and interns in Habima Square".

"The brothers across the fence"

One of the founders of "Standing Together", Dr. Yael Ra'anan from Sapir College, participated two years ago in a demonstration in support of the "return march", during the peak of the terrorist riots in the Gaza Strip. During the demonstration, Ra'an called for the demonstrators to say that "we are all partners. To wipe out fascist rule in Israel. "Raanan called the Gaza rioters" the brothers across the fence "who are" facing the guns (of the IDF) ... and we should be there, too. " 

Another member of "Standing Together", who was also active in the Hadash party, Sharon Luzon, was documented two years ago calling the activist of southern Tel Aviv neighborhoods "Paz" Nazi, after he was previously convicted of the attack. Traffic director Alon Lee Green He previously served as the assistant to Dov Hanin, a former MK on Hadash, who also participated in demonstrations in the evening.

Standing together does not hide their political leanings to the left. The movement's Facebook page states that it is "struggling to provide an alternative to the right." In the past, the movement's home page says it struggles against "the connection between Palestine's occupation and economic and social despair in Israel" - but today this wording does not appear. Today, the Facebook page for "Standing Together" will host an event titled "How Can We Affect Politics in Israel?" - Its purpose is to connect the struggle of the self-employed with other political issues, including the IDF withdrawal from the territories of Judea and Samaria.

The event invitation page reads: "Let's hear about struggles that have succeeded in changing our reality in the country, and learn about the lessons that accompany us in our struggles for a safe income for all of us in the Corona crisis and for the rights of tenants, and give us hope that the climate crisis and the occupation can be overcome."

Over the past two years, "standing together" has received a cumulative amount of NIS 288,251 from two German government-funded funds: the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation - a political party of the radical left-wing DiLinka party, which receives more than 90% of its money from the German government; And the Heinrich Bell Fund - a political foundation of the German Green Party, which also receives most of its funding from the Berlin administration. According to the NGO Monitor Research Institute, the new Israel Fund contributed a cumulative amount of $ 193,549 (NIS 681,000) for 2018-2017.

At a demonstration in the evening at the Charles Clore Garden in Tel Aviv, Uri Waltman, a member of the "Standing Together" leadership, warned the "detached" that "in the coming days and weeks we will teach you how much power we have," and wished for "a large movement of protest to wash away The country. ”The 

movement made sure to publish posts about the Israeli demonstrations in Israel in the English language as well, and contracts that followed the independent demonstrations.

"Social protest 2020 is underway." The movement is also a member of the "100% Coalition" initiative - along with other leftist organizations such as Shatil (the executive arm of the new foundation), Amnesty International, human rights rabbis and more. 

In response to the news, Roi Cohen, president of the Israel Independent Organizations Bureau (Lahav), said: "The Lahav organization did not take part in Motosh's protests precisely because of the fear of politicizing the struggle. Unfortunately, they did not listen to us and I sincerely hope that the momentous struggle for self-sufficiency will not be tarnished. We are patriots and love the country, and foreigners are not allowed to take over our justifiable protest. "

"We will not cooperate"

Kfir Shmali of the Independent Association said: "We are aware of the part of 'standing together' in the last demonstration. We have agreed to unite with them only on the economic side and no other issue. We will not continue to cooperate with them. Our struggle includes Jews, Arabs, Druze - every Israeli. Israel, not against Israel. "

Alon Lee-Green, CEO of Standing Together, said: "A million and a half people, salaried and self-employed, remained without a living. Instead of researching Google, it's best to ask those detached who sign a government with 36 ministers what they intend to do to give people solutions. 'Standing Together', with its thousands of members and activists, is proud to struggle with a host of partners from all corners of Israeli society for true economic solutions and social justice for all of us. We are struggling together, we will continue to struggle together and will not be able to separate and dismantle us. "

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