The Limited Times

Polls for the 2020 US election: Biden suddenly depends on Trump in swing states

11/2/2020, 11:09:14 AM

The US president is not directly elected. This is why surveys are often difficult to evaluate. We provide an overview of the developments before the 2020 US election.

The US president is not directly elected.

This is why surveys are often difficult to evaluate.

We provide an overview of the developments before the 2020 US election.

  • On November


    the Americans can elect their new president.

  • Before the 2020 presidential election,


    will be made based on



  • In the

    2020 US election

    , Donald Trump and Joe Biden are direct competitors.

  • With our free US election newsletter you are always well informed.

Update November 2, 9:35

: The so-called

swing states

* be because

decide the election



particularly high attention

in the


- and

according to


New York Times

, Trump challenger

Joe Biden can

look forward to the

day before the

2020 US election

: in a survey by the newspaper and the

Siena College

in the following US states,

he receives

more approval than that Incumbent *: Arizona *, Florida *, Pennsylvania * and Wisconsin *.


New York Times


about this result, for which from October 26th to 31st, eligible voters who had not participated in the US election 2016 were interviewed.


US President Donald Trump

© Brendan Smialowski / AFP

Update from November 1, 9:20 p.m.: A

look into the crystal ball is appealing: Who

will win the 2020 US election

, incumbent

Donald Trump

or challenger

Joe Biden


The latest

nationwide polls

continue to speak for Biden: In a survey published on Saturday on behalf of


and the

Wall Street Journal,

the Democrat is a

whopping ten percentage points ahead of Trump.

But the choice of fate is not decided by a national majority vote - but in the



And here the portal


, which specializes in the compilation of survey data,



several open questions.

Close races are



Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and North Carolina

, among others


The website names a total of ten states in which the forecasts for the US election show no clear trend.

197 of the 270 electors




Meanwhile, the US media is raging over the numbers.

The hard-right

Trump supporter Newt Gingrich


a "repetition of history"


Fox News

on the weekend

- in 2016, Trump's election victory




polls off guard.

Although the thesis sounded surprisingly cautious: “We cannot assume that history will repeat itself.

Even if I expect her to do so, ”Gingrich explained in his post.

The assessment of the commentator Maria Cardona for the political website The Hill is different.

In 2016 Trump won surprisingly

because he was able to "channel" the approval of voters who felt marginalized, she judged.

In the case of the

“Corona election” 2020

, the situation shortly before the polls are going to be different: “It seems that he is now the candidate who is blind to the suffering that so many Americans attribute to his breach of duty.”

Trump himself was confident of victory on Sunday with his interpretation of the forecasts.

"Our numbers are looking very good everywhere," he wrote on



“Sleepy Joe is already starting to withdraw from certain states.

The radical left is going under! "

Our numbers are looking VERY good all over.

Sleepy Joe is already beginning to pull out of certain states.

The Radical Left is going down!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2020

Surveys on the duel Trump against Biden: Close race in several swing states

Update from October 31, 12:07 p.m.:

Only three days until November 3 - then the

2020 US election


The polls of the two presidential candidates

Donald Trump

(Republican) and

Joe Biden

(Democrats) are therefore getting more and more exciting.

A non-partisan website that


survey results is



The name is derived from the number of


a candidate needs at least to win the election:



In the current forecast for the 2020 US election, according to these calculations, Democrat Biden leads with 290 voters.

But keep in mind that not all

US states

that send voters are equally safe.

In some states, things are getting tight, like





attributes their ten electorates to

Biden, but

things can turn

out very differently on election day.

Biden has a

total of

183 voters,


77 voters.

It is still very much in danger in the states of Iowa, Ohio, North Carolina *, Georgia and Florida *.

According to the

polls of

the last few days in the individual US states, Biden is currently leading in 32 states, Trump in 21. There is currently a draw in Ohio.

Overall, the polls are about more than the usual 50 states, as there are still some individual districts.

It is important to keep in mind that the individual states


a different number of



More than

85 million citizens

voted for the US election before the official election date.

A record.

2020 US election: predictions show that the swing states will continue to run for the US presidency

Update from October 30, 2:55 p.m.:

The decisive

US states

for the

2020 US election

are the so-called

swing states

, highly competitive regions that do not go straight to the Republicans or Democrats from the outset.


New York Times

sees 15 states in which

Donald Trump


Joe Biden

could be



Who is currently leading where according to the forecasts?

For example,

according to the data

analysts at FiveThirtyEight

, it's in


very close.

In the state with predominantly small communities with village or small town character, the Democrats dominated for many years, but in 2016 Trump won.

Only in October did Biden manage to briefly gain the upper hand, according to surveys.



is a swing state in this election, which the Republicans will find difficult to cope with.

Historically, now rapidly growing Texas has been a safe bet for the party.

But the demographics are changing.

Trump is currently slightly ahead in the polls.



Trump lost around 1.5 percentage points in the past few days.

Since the spring, the two presidential candidates have been taking turns when it comes to leadership.

While in


in August and September

Trump was still ahead, was able to overtake Biden in October.


, Biden is still clearly ahead, currently with just under nine percentage points.

Polls for the 2020 US election show: “Millennials” could play a key role

Update of 29 October, 9:40:

According to the latest figures from the "US Elections Project" the political scientist Michael McDonald of the University of Florida have already more than 76 million Americans their



absentee ballot

( "Early Voting") for the

presidential election in 2020


For comparison: four years ago, a total of 137 million people



This corresponds to more than half the


received by the


were issued in the year 2016th

#earlyvote day-end update 10/28

At least 76 million people have voted in the 2020 general election 🥳https: //

- Michael McDonald (@ElectProject) October 29, 2020


"swing states"

, ie the states in which a head-to-head race between

Donald Trump

and challenger

Joe Biden is

announced, will

remain exciting until the end


The so-called


- born between 1981 and 1998 - could play

a key role this year


With around 88 million, they are a voter group with huge potential.

63 percent of 18-29 year olds told the Harvard Public Opinion Project that they would "definitely vote".

In the


four years ago, this number was around 50 percent.


Joe Biden in


seems to be on better terms with young Americans.

First-time and young voters tend to be more challengers than current


Donald Trump


"The young people realize that their voice counts," said politics professor Michale Hanmer from

as saying.

According to the professor at the University of Maryland,


corona crisis in

particular is

sensitizing millennials to pay

more attention to


US election


Four years ago, Hillary Clinton lost the


because she could not mobilize enough young voters.

How important

millennials could become

in this


is shown by the fact that, according to current forecasts by the US political site “RealClearPolitics”,


could have overtaken

his rival


in Ohio and Florida.

Here you will find all the information about when a result of the US election can be expected.

On election night, many TV stations in Germany also broadcast the US election.

US election 2020: will Trump trick postal voting?

"Must have a final result on November 3rd"

Update from October 28, 9:19 a.m.: Just under

a week before the

election of



in the



Donald Trump



against the

postal vote

via Twitter


According to the current president, the final result should be on November 3rd.

There are “big problems and discrepancies” with postal voting.

He goes on to write: “(We) have to have a final result on November 3rd.” This increases the number of signs that Donald Trump will be confirmed as the new president on November 3rd.

Big problems and discrepancies with Mail In Ballots all over the USA.

Must have final total on November 3rd.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2020

Due to the

corona pandemic

this year, it is expected that more Americans will vote by postal vote than ever before.

According to surveys, more democratic voters should make use of this option.

According to this, a scenario is possible in which

Donald Trump

himself could be ahead on election day until all slips of the

postal vote are


US election 2020: Trump and Biden ensure high voter turnout in the US

Update from October 27, 10:28 p.m.:

A week before



presidential election

, more than

69 million Americans

have already

cast their votes.

That corresponds to more than half of all the votes that were cast in the election four years ago, according to data from the

US Elections Project

by political scientist Michael McDonald of the University of Florida

on Tuesday


According to the FEC election commission, around

137 million Americans

voted in



Because of the

coronavirus pandemic

, it is expected that more Americans than usual will make use of the opportunity to vote in person or by


vote before the actual election day


According to the project's data, significantly more registered



Republicans appear

to have cast their votes early.

Registering with a party does not necessarily say anything about voting behavior.

US election 2020: Trump and Biden with new campaign spots before the decisive phase

Update from October 27, 7:24 p.m.:

Joe Biden


Donald Trump

want to

score points

with very different campaign


in the last days before the

US presidential election


The Biden team presented a series of commercials on Tuesday in which the challenger, among other things, conjured up the unity of the deeply divided country and


his support for the

"Black Lives Matter"


He also turned to the voters and called on them to end the "dark, angry politics" of recent years under President Trump.



President Trump's

election campaign team

published a new spot accusing Biden of “lighting up the flames” in “burning cities” in the United States.

The advertising alludes to isolated outbreaks of violence in the wake of the protests against



police violence

in recent months.

Just a week before the

November 3rd

US election

, Biden has

a clear advantage over

Trump in

terms of

campaign donations

and the associated

advertising budget


According to observers, he spends significantly more money on TV advertising in the contested states than the incumbent.

Polls on the US election: decision will be made in swing states

First report from October 27, 2020:

Munich / Washington, DC - One week before the

2020 US election

on November 3, the

survey tools

on social networks are slowly getting hot.

What expressiveness can be attributed to this is controversial.

Depending on the circles in which the questioner moves, the results are all different.

The 45th President of the United States,

Donald Trump (Republican)

, has collected a large number of polls on his Twitter page over the past few weeks.

The striking thing about them is the clear lead that Donald Trump has over competitor

Joe Biden

in most cases


If you take a look




camp instead

, the picture looks different again.

Here Joe Biden usually leads Donald Trump.

This assessment is more in line with the official surveys carried out by universities, for example.

US election 2020: Trump wants the polls to speak for themselves - and gets a direct counterattack

A user on Twitter pointed out to

Donald Trump

that it was not really meaningful to

pick out


suitable survey


After all, you could then choose one of the polls in which

Joe Biden is

way ahead of Trump.

Not to say you are wrong, but picking 1 recent poll out of 20+ polls might be selection bias.

We could also pick Biden +12 in the USC poll but that would be just as wrong as picking one poll with a favorable result.

Everyone should vote.

And let all the votes be counted.

- Bob McNab (@mceconomist) October 27, 2020

2020 US presidential election - will Americans vote for Biden or for Trump?


USC Dornsife department of


University of Southern California (USC)

examines and tracks the opinions of 6,000 Americans about the

2020 presidential election

in the


and how they will change over time.

The numbers for a day are based on the assessments of the last fourteen days.


USC Dornsife


shows a strong tendency towards a



Joe Biden


He has been between nine and twelve percent ahead of Donald Trump since the end of August.

The last five assemblies follow (as of October 27, 2020, 2:41 p.m.):


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

head Start





October 19, 2020
















Biden before Trump?

Surveys show a clear picture - but how meaningful is it?

Due to the

electoral system in the USA

, however, the individual votes are not relevant for winning the election.



choose so-called election People / electors, not the president directly.

To win the


election, a candidate must win a majority of the electorate.

The technology company Morning Consult conducts over 4,000


with potential voters

every day

and has achieved the following



  • At the

    national level

    , Biden (52%) leads with nine percent ahead of Trump (43%).

  • In the

    “unsafe” states

    , Biden leads in Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - while Trump only got a lead in South Carolina.

    The following are still unsafe: Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio and Texas.

According to the results of

Morning Consult



even in the

congressional elections in 2020

against the



This is particularly relevant after the 2018 elections, as Donald Trump had to give up some power even then.

Congress is crucial when it comes to implementing political ideas in the




here for the old ticker about the US elections 2020.


List of rubric lists: © Brendan Smialowski / AFP

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