The Limited Times

2020 US election: Republicans go to court with Donald Trump - Joe Biden on course to victory

11/6/2020, 9:11:41 AM

Donald Trump accuses the Democrats around challenger Joe Biden of fraud in the US election. Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to build on his win.

Donald Trump accuses the Democrats around challenger Joe Biden of fraud in the US election.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to build on his win.

  • The


    * has the choice between

    Donald Trump

    * and

    Joe Biden

    * - who will win the race for the

    White House


  • Joe Biden

    has victory in the presidential election * within reach.

    The final decision depends on swing states * like Pennsylvania.

  • US election 2020

    *: All the news about the presidential election and the congressional elections at a glance.

<<< update ticker >>>

Update from Friday, November 6th, 2020, 9:50 a.m.:


Donald Trump


to stir up

doubts about the electoral process in the



accusations of


, his challenger

Joe Biden is

on course for victory in the presidential election when counting the last remaining states.





, Biden continues to catch up on Trump's initial lead as the ballots received in the mail have been tallied.

In Georgia, Biden was just under 1,800 votes behind Trump at 5 a.m. CET, in Pennsylvania it was a good 26,000.

Meanwhile, Trump caught up




At 5.00 a.m. CET, Biden was still a good 46,700 votes ahead of Trump.

The AP news agency and Fox News maintained their forecast.

US election 2020: Donald Trump denounces manipulation

Donald Trump

 denounced a number of alleged manipulations of the vote during his appearance in the White House without any evidence.

He still sees himself as a legitimate winner in a number of countries, despite the ongoing counting.

"If you count the legal votes, I win with ease," said Trump.

"If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal our vote."


Donald Trump is about to be voted out of office.


US election 2020: Republicans criticize Donald Trump

Donald Trump

 had to put up with harsh criticism from members of his party for his actions.

"There is no justification for what the president has said tonight that is undermining our democratic process," Maryland Republican governor Larry Hogan wrote on Twitter.

Congressman Adam Kinzinger called for evidence of fraud allegations to be presented and presented in court.

"Stop spreading exposed misinformation ... This is getting crazy," he wrote on Twitter.

The influential chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee,

Lindsey Graham

, sided with Trump and donated $ 500,000 to his lawyer fund.

We want every vote counted, yes every legal vote (of course).

But, if you have legit concerns about fraud present EVIDENCE and take it to court.

STOP Spreading debunked misinformation ... This is getting insane.

- Adam Kinzinger (@RepKinzinger) November 6, 2020

US election 2020: Joe Biden before victory in Swing States - Donald Trump is suing the election in court

+++ 7:35 p.m.:


Joe Biden


further expanding

his lead in


, members of the Trump team stepped in

front of the camera


Las Vegas

and defended the lawsuits filed there.

As long as the election campaign team around

Donald Trump

cannot monitor the elections in the desert state itself, a “fair counting is not possible”.

Trump officials are calling for an immediate termination, and in Nevada

be counted from the beginning.


6:33 p.m.:

New numbers are reported

on the


contested Swing State


- and

Joe Biden continues to

expand his lead over

Donald Trump


Biden was previously only 7,647 ahead of incumbent Trump, now it is more than 11,000.

This means that the Democrat Joe Biden now accounts for 49.5 percent in the desert state, Trump is only 48.5.

Thursday, November 5th, 2020, 4:45 p.m.:


Joe Biden

is about to take a decisive step towards the presidency.

In both Georgia and


, President

Donald Trump's * lead is




The rapid “catch-up” of the Democrats * on the last meters of the counts in the two swing states is probably due to the fact that postal votes as well as

ballots cast

before the election day of the

US election

(“early voting”) are counted there.


For Joe Biden, the presidency is within reach - Donald Trump wants to cancel the US election.

© Drew Angerer / afp

Postal votes could put Joe Biden in Pennsylvania before Donald Trump - and decide the US election

In view of the corona pandemic *, the Democrats around

Joe Biden

in particular

called for these options, which are comparatively better to be reconciled with distance rules, to make use of.

The Republicans * and their President *

Donald Trump

, on the other hand, had tried again and again in the run-up to the election to question the legitimacy of the postal votes * and are currently trying to have the counting of these votes legally stopped in order to win the

US election



Democratic preference for postal votes is

particularly noticeable in



The projection of

Donald Trump

, the night of the

US election

still comfortable is noticeably shrunk,

Joe Biden

brings with long strides.

Pennsylvania Democratic Senator Bob Casey is confident that the votes still to be counted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's largest city, will be enough to bring Joe Biden to victory in the

US election


“In Philadelphia only around 70 percent of the votes have been counted, so there will be many more this morning.

The votes alone here in Philadelphia could be enough to put Joe Biden in the lead. "

Democrats are certain that Joe Biden will win in Pennsylvania and thus the US election - Donald Trump wants to end the count

The communities around Philadelphia in


such as Montgomery, Bucks and Delaware would also steer

Joe Biden

in the direction of victory, assumes Bob Casey: “President Barack Obama won Philadelphia by 500,000 votes.

With the turnout

so much higher this time

around in this

US election

, Joe Biden could do it too.

But he won't even have to. ”

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is

renewing his demand that the count be stopped immediately.

On Twitter, the President calls in capital letters "End the vote!"

It's Really PATHETIC that the ONLY Way @realDonaldTrump

can TRY to Win is to CHEAT

America is Sick of his LIES & CHEATING.


- The Resistor Sister ♥ ️🇺🇸🦅🙏🏻 (@the_resistor) November 5, 2020


Donald Trump's

demand has


just as unheard



as in


, where

Joe Biden declared

Donald Trump, who as feared * already on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 * the night of the

US election

the winner *, could also catch up in the last few meters.

With around 60,000 votes still outstanding, Georgia, which was still considered the Republican firewall on election night, is expected to announce a winner soon.





have announced additional


to report the counts.

It is therefore not unlikely that Joe Biden could achieve the required majority of at least 270 voters * today (November 5th, 2020).

(Mirko Schmid) * is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network

List of rubric lists: © afp / BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI

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