The Limited Times

Aggression pays off Israel today

8/12/2021, 11:08:21 AM

What did Hezbollah learn last week? Songs of some missiles on Israel brings with it hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from the US • President Biden's conciliatory spirit towards Iran only strengthens the terrorist organization

The likelihood of Hezbollah launching a war against Israel has greatly increased following last week's missile fire.

To understand why, we need to find out with ourselves what caused Hezbollah to launch the missiles and what it deduced from the incident.

Hezbollah opened fire because it learned lessons from the Wall Guard.

Three months ago, Hamas launched a missile attack against us and incited some Israeli Arabs to carry out acts of destruction and attacks on Jews.

Israel responded by harming Hamas infrastructure in Gaza. Already during the war they stood as countries of the world, led by the administration in Washington, to ensure hundreds of millions "for the reconstruction of Gaza." Since the ceasefire, Hamas has received promises of nearly $ 1 billion in aid from the United States, Europe, Qatar, Egypt and the United Nations. Amounts of tens of millions have already begun to flow.

Just as Hamas is solely responsible for the collapse of infrastructure and disgraceful poverty in Gaza, so Hezbollah has signed on to the collapse of Lebanon and its degeneration into terrible poverty. The wall guard convinced Nasrallah that the easiest way out of an economic crisis in the days of cash shortages in Tehran was to attack the Jews, and even for a few missiles Hezbollah received a lot. As early as Tuesday, the Lebanese press reported that the US administration intends to transfer $ 100 million in aid to the Lebanese Ministry of Health as aid to Corona. Since 2019, the Lebanese Ministry of Health has been controlled by Hezbollah.

The Lebanese army will also receive additional American assistance following the missile attack.

In testimony before the Senate this week, Mira Reznik, who serves as Assistant Deputy State Secretary for Regional Affairs, praised the Lebanese army and claimed that "he is one of our best partners in the Middle East."

The courtship continues

And who else is in favor of financing Lebanon?

The Israeli government, of course.

On a tour of the border after the missile attack and its "inclusion", Defense Minister Bnei Gantz reiterated his position that Israel also has an interest in assisting Lebanon economically.

Nasrallah, therefore, learns a few things about US policy during the Biden administration and also about Israel's policy under the Bennett-Lapid government.

First, that the Biden administration's conciliatory policy toward Iran leads to a situation in which Washington is currently protecting Hezbollah from Israel's anger.

It is no coincidence that the Arab media quoted American sources, who claimed that the Biden administration forced Israel to respond only symbolically to the missile fire.

The Americans wanted to convey to Hezbollah, the people of Lebanon, the Sunni Arabs and the Gulf states, and especially to the Raisan Iran - that the Biden administration is friendly to Iran and its sponsors.

As part of its conciliation policy toward Iran, the Biden administration is willing to bend Israel to contain fire.

This week, Bloomberg News reported that in the face of the swearing-in of the jealous Ibrahim Raisi, the U.S. administration is beginning to understand that it may have difficulty returning to the 2015 nuclear deal. But the administration does not say desperate. The nuclear.

No surprises - zero military initiative

In relation to Israel, Hezbollah has learned two important things. First, that the Bennett-Lapid government will not act contrary to the position of the Biden administration. Although the government denies that American pressure led to a decision on a symbolic response to Hezbollah. But in the Arab world they do not buy it. And not in vain. Bennett has so far aligned itself with the administration on almost every issue. "Zero surprises" with Iran means, in light of the administration's obsession with doing business with the ayatollahs, the abolition of the military option vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear program.

Bennett supports aid to Gaza, and according to a report by Yoni Ben Menachem, also agreed to work with the administration to build a legal fiction that would allow the PA to continue paying salaries to terrorists, while allowing the administration to transfer hundreds of millions of dollars annually to the PA. .

Bennett also in line with the administration on Jerusalem. he still opposes the official opening AMERICAN CONSULATE Palestinians capital - which would damage the strategic unity of the city - but has been aligned with the government regarding the cancellation of property rights of the owners of the disputed Jewish neighborhood of Shimon the righteous / Sheich According to the report, Bennett asked the administration to take action against the illegal Palestinian tenants in the buildings, in order to persuade them to accept the arrangement proposed by the High Court judges.

Under the arrangement, Jewish homeowners will continue to be deprived of their property rights for the foreseeable future and the Palestinians will recognize meaningless ownership of the Jews.

This is a government that is ready to act, even if not officially, to dilute Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem.

To please the United States, it is ready to neutralize the military option against Iran, and will probably not go to war against Hezbollah without a green light (which will not come) from the White House. This is perhaps the most disturbing phenomenon.

The second thing Hezbollah has learned is that the Israeli government does not understand the political reality in Lebanon, and therefore, its strategy for dealing with it is irrelevant.

A senior Defense Ministry official told Breaking Defense that when Israel acts against Hezbollah, it will damage "vital infrastructure to put political pressure on Hezbollah."

But as we saw at the end of the wall guard, damage to infrastructure opens the gap to billions of dollars.

Beyond that, there is no factor in Lebanon that threatens Hezbollah - not politically and certainly not militarily.

Loss of deterrence

Following the firing of the missiles at Israel, videos were published of Druze attacking the Hezbollah team that launched the missiles from their village.

Crowds led to the arrest of crew members and the seizure of their missile launcher.

But three days later, Druze leader Walid Junblatt and Lebanese army forces released the crew and returned the launcher to Hezbollah.

They did it for one simple reason.

Hezbollah is the ruler of Lebanon - politically and security-wise.

Earlier this week, Iran hosted Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders in Tehran to step up security coordination between them and the Revolutionary Guards.

The working premise of the defense establishment is that in the next war, Hamas and Hezbollah will attack Israel from the southern and northern fronts simultaneously.

There is one way that may reduce the chance of war and even increase the chance that when war breaks out our hand will be on the top. The cancellation of a "no surprises" policy against Washington and an uncoordinated - uncoordinated action by Israel against Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas or all three; At the same time, a stubborn action to preserve the property rights of Jews in a united Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, while banning the opening of an American consulate in the capital. In other words: everything is the opposite of what the government does. The Bennett-Lapid government is an internal conciliatory government towards Israeli Arabs and an external conciliatory one - vis-à-vis the United States and Iran. 

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